BlindBuddy54 0 Newbie Poster

hi, doing a interactive gaming course from and doing certificate iv interactive gaming. doing a final game project and a space invaders game, doing it in unity 2019.1 64 bit and using visual studio community 2019 32 bit, and using windows 10 1809 home 64 bit on a assus laptop. now. got the scoreboard and found a tutorial on github. the reason why doing it in visual studio, unity is not that accessible with screen readers like jaws and non visual desktop access, and cannot use the editor. so was debugging and tried googling. says Application.ExternalEval or Application.ExternalCall been depricated and trying to call a javascript function and web page from that. but, wondering, is there any easy way to fix, did look at the manual, and means having to create another script, and then put ht the code and then call that. is there any easier way, so don't have to do that. any one familiar with unity. and looked at the manual. posted on the unity forums. maybe try using UnityEngine...Javascript; would that work. just annoying and did code it, and did fix some other errors, like having to change in a if statement, and try go.SetActiveHiracy. and also private Renderer render and put the new keyword to hide, and also Application.LoadLevel, and replace that with SceneManager.LoadScene and then put in using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; so, any way to do this without having to do extra steps. so just call a function, to a web page and returning the string. marvin. ps: sorry have not posted in a long while. do have certificate iv and diploma of software development from upskilled. marvin. ps: in adelaide, australia. did try to login into the unity brisbane developers, but not liking my password when i try to login into meetup and using google chrome.