Just a quick question.....

So, how supported is JS?

Do most viewers have it permissable? It strikes me as odd that I am being told by certain people that JS is bad and being phased out etc... yet it is used quite heavily in conjunction with other languages, or singular for affects and menus..... so I'm confused.

Is it ok to use, is there a moderate risk to viewers not seeing the JS results, or is the risk so small that it isn't a major concern?

there will always be those that say that one language is phasing out or that one language is better than another, and you know what it really depends on what you are trying to do, and what you want to do. Javascripting (not to be confused with the programming language JAVA) is great for client side effect and the such, it can do almost anything if you know how to code it right, and in conjucntion with a server side language such as php backed by a database, the possibilities are limitless. really its up to who it is and they are doing for what they will use.

If JS is being 'phased' out, somebody better tell google. All of their new technologies such as gmail, google maps, google suggest etc, all leverage JS and XMLHttp and more.


ah.... thats a relief.... came up in a discussion about SEO ethics.... somebody tried convincing me that JS is bad, and I should use DOM (bad statement!).... and several other topics and articles on the net were suggesting the same sort of thing....
still, no worries!
thank you.

ah.... thats a relief.... came up in a discussion about SEO ethics.... somebody tried convincing me that JS is bad, and I should use DOM (bad statement!).... and several other topics and articles on the net were suggesting the same sort of thing....
still, no worries!
thank you.

ive talked to people like that. they try to convince me that im not using the best language, or that i should do somthing they way they like it. i look at it this way, if you can work effieciantly and effectively in a language that you are comfortable in, why change, i mean JS is still very supportive, and i support it because of all the great things you can do with it.

one thing i dont like about it, is the syntax, it has horrible syntax, but working through that, you can almost anything with that stuff.

one thing i dont like about it, is the syntax, it has horrible syntax, but working through that, you can almost anything with that stuff.

Being an old school C programmer, it isn't much of a stretch for me. I find JS pretty easy to work in, once you figure out what objects point to what. Of course, this is completely beside the point that I have always had issues with untyped languages... but I can't seem to escape them.


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