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Hi guys!!
I would be very happy to know about a fast and easy web page designer for Linux OS.

If you're familiar with Dreamweaver or Frontpage on Windows, here's a very nice free alternative for all platforms (including Linux): Mozilla Kompozer, formerly known as NVU.

Member Avatar for ingeva

If you're familiar with Dreamweaver or Frontpage on Windows, here's a very nice free alternative for all platforms (including Linux): Mozilla Kompozer, formerly known as NVU.

I've recently started to use Joomla! which is exclusively written in php so it doesn't depend on your OS. Quite flexible and makes sites that are easy to maintain. For the best result, however, you should be familiar with HTML, CSS and PHP.
It's open source. Download from

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Thanks a lot guys!!

Use vi/vim :D .

@ithelp -- Very Funny, I enjoy nano more though :D.
You could consider Aptana (IDE) or Amaya (Visual) also.
I find that gedit (default gnome text editor) does the trick and more. Syntax highlighting and it's addons are great. (Some of the super-useful preferences are hidden, though, such as auto-indent).

Member Avatar for ingeva

@ithelp -- Very Funny, I enjoy nano more though :D.
I find that gedit (default gnome text editor) does the trick and more.

If you say gedit, I'll say geany. That's my preferred php/html/javascript editor.

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