I'm a beginner at web design, so my webpage is not that great. I use notepad to edit my HTML and IE7 to display my webpage. I tried to put in CSS in my webpage to make purple letters and a yellow background, but it never works. I had to use html to do it. I would really like to learn how to use CSS. My website is heidegger001.angelfire.com. This is my code.

<meta name="author" content="Jackson Hong">
<meta name="description" content="Jackson Hong">
<meta name="keyword" content="Jackson,Hong">
<title> Jackson Hong's Personal Web Page
<body bgcolor="yellow" text="purple">
<p> My name is Jackson Hong. </p>
<p> I live in Cupertino, California. </p>
<p> My hobby is html. Still trying to learn it so I guess I'm not that great at it. </p>
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Are you trying to enter your CSS in the same page or an external page and then link to it?

I am trying to do it in the same page, but either way would be fine.

okay, within your head tags type this

<style type="text/css">

Notice I specified what I wanted to apply the style to in this case body. The styles I applied are encased in curly brackets {}.
Then you enter what you want to change for the text color it's just color, then a colon : then the value, I use #values. Finally a semi-colon.

If you ever find when playing with CSS that something is not happening, double check your semi-colons and colons.

I've give you a snippet of CSS, I would highly recommend www.w3schools.com for the full run down.

Hope that helps and good luck

Thanks. I forgot to put the curly brackets. It works now.

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