I've just started styling a website that i've designed but i have hit a problem straight away. that problem is that when i create a div for all my content to go into and try to give it a background color, it doesn't do anything, and if i give it a height there is still a white background around the edges..

My code for the site:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/mainmenu.css" type="text/css">
<div id="body">

if (!$conn)
{exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);}
$sql="SELECT DISTINCT Location FROM BackupLog";

<div id="content">
<form action="getinfo.php" method="POST">
<select name=t1>

while (odbc_fetch_row($rs))

echo "<option>";
echo $location;


<select name=t2>

$sql2="SELECT DISTINCT Responsible FROM BackupLog";

while (odbc_fetch_row($rs2))

echo "<option>";
echo $responsible;


<input type=Submit value=Search>

the css file:

#body {
	background-color: #104E8B;
#content {
	background-color: #104E8B;

Thanks for any help

Instead of wrapping the whole site in a <div> tag, set the body to have a background colour in the CSS:

  background-color: #104e8b;

The reason why you're getting the white border is because you're wrapping it all in a <div> which naturally has a bit of padding all around.

Also, here's some errors with your code:

-The link to the stylesheet should be in the <head> tag.
-You're missing a <head> and <title> tag.
-You haven't closed your <form> tag
-You haven't closed any of your <option> tags
-You haven't closed your link to the stylesheet or <input> tag (end with /> instead of just >)

Thanks Borzoi, the poor coding is due to me messing about with it getting annoyed and leaving it at that, admittedly i took out the head and title tag when playing around with the divs.

Where would i set the background color in the .css file then if not in a div?

And never use reserved words as your tag ids or classes!
eg body is a reserved word in html, and you use it as an id.
It is VERY bad practice to do that.

You can set the background-color to anything - to the body, an h1, h2, p, ul, you name it.

Oh, and do use a doctype, or you will trigger quirks mode, which is also a bad thing, as it is different in different browsers.

OK, I'll change that now.
so how do I change the background color for the whole page in the css file?

Should also mention i cleaned up my tags and doctype etc..

Again, delete the body id as you have it now. So then it would just be:


page here


Then, in your stylesheet create a rule like so:

     background-color: grey;

One good thing is the html validator here. You should religiously validate your code there to catch any errors in coding you may have.

Now the body div you had is probably not causing your issues. I suspect its the poor coding you have. So fix those as well.

Instead of wrapping the whole site in a <div> tag, set the body to have a background colour in the CSS:


Thanks everyone!

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