Sorry if this is an old complaint; but I suffer from incomplete knowledge which constantly plagues me.

I would like to use iframe to solve a customization problem with a canned interface that my library is going to use to access our catalog. I got it working except for one snag -"pop out" menus (javascript changing the visibility of divs in CSS) open "under" the iframe. z-index doesn't seem to help; so I suspect that property doesn't work with iframe.

Can anyone shed some light on this or suggest a workaround? If there is any interest, I'll post some bare bones code . . .


Hi, and welcome to daniweb. Can you please give more details, as in a link to the site (my first choice) or post the code here?

The javascript can be used and the scripts and css accessed from the code here -; but the iframe design is not live yet. I'll post the proposed code in a subsequent message with the style properties assigned inline.

Thanks for the welcome and the quick response!


The best is, to post your inline frame code here, and show me where your problem with it is.

Here you go. There were two errors - one really stupid one that I fixed and the hairball which turns out to be a browser issue. It now works in Firefox and Safari but not IE. You should be able to paste this into a file to see the problem; since I changed all the relative paths to full URLs. Not to worry about the coordinates of the pop-outs - I'll fix that when I know this strategy will work.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<html xmlns=""> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="" language="JavaScript" 

<script src="" language="JavaScript" 


<style type="text/css">
.popout { background-color:#FEF275; position:absolute; padding: 6px; left:144px; width:160px; 

text-align:left; border:1px solid #333333; z-index:10; 


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<div id="LayerContentI" onmouseover="collapse();">

<iframe src="" style="margin-left:10; border:0; 

z-index:9; overflow:hidden; height: 480px; width: 100%;"></iframe></div></div>

I copied your code and opened it in Firefox, IE and Chrome. Your popouts are visible over the iframe in both FF and Chrome, but IE is not displaying any popouts.

It seems to me that your z-index property is working correctly then with FF and Chrome.

Also, keep in mind that your css properties are linked, and not inline, so any css properties you want to inherit, you should be able to do that by using the "link" tag.

Yes, I discovered a second error that was causing the problem in FF and Safari. That was what I was mentioning in the paragraph preceding my code in my last post. Notice, if you comment out the iframe, you'll see that the pop-outs are there - they just open under the iframe even though the z-index property should prevent it. Not to worry about the dead link in the iframe - that isn't live yet. You can substitute if you want to see something live in there.

I can see the pop-outs now in IE on top of the iframe, same as with FF, no problem on my IE browser anymore. The reason I could not see them in IE previously, was because IE blocked the running of ActiveX scripts.I allowed it on IE, and your z-index is placing the pop-outs nicely over the iframe now.

Ah, so this could be a local problem for both of us. I wonder if it is appropriate to expect public library patrons to have Active X scripts allowed. We'd probably endlessly get lots of support calls about it; or flack from those responsible for network security at the library. Looks like I'm into a policy discussion over that one.

I'll keep this open for a little while longer in case anyone thinks of a plain code work-around.

In IE, as a security measure, running some scripts like ActiveX is turned off by default. When one visits a website running those scripts, it is your choice to allow them, if you trust the website, by clicking allow on the pop-up warning, or on the pop-up blocker if you block pop-ups.

I would suggest, if possible, to re-write your script, using css to have a sub-menu slide out effect.

Solved! It wasn't a local problem; I found documentation in another forum that there is a z-index bug in IE (supposed to be older versions; but I found it still manifested itself in IE8) that resets the z-index when it is a style property of an iframe. The easy-as-pie workaround is to reorder the relative positions of the divs in the code; so that the iframe is listed in the correct order - that it, it is listed before the pop-outs so it remains under them when they become visible.

For my situation, I also had to make a slight change in the javascript controling the pop-outs; so the right set of divs were being affected by it; but that was also simple to do.


I accidentally posted before finishing. I'll edit with completed post in a moment.

I was born in Hamilton County so I hope you don't mind if I offer another work around. One that doesn't require z-index at all (this is based off of the code you provided - not the link). :)

Let's begin with your division that has the id "containterI".

  1. Remove the align attribute. It's deprecated and not really doing anything.
  2. Remove the 'position: relative;' from your CSS. You'll notice the division is centered while the content is not.

Now remove the position style from the following divisions, listed by their corresponding id.

  • LayerID
  • LayerBnr
  • LayerNavH
  • LayerNavV
  • LayerSlgn
  • and LayerContentI

At this point a few elements are thrown all over the place, and we'll get to that in a moment. For now let's do a little housekeeping.

  1. In your division "LayerID"s CSS remove the float property.
  2. In your division "LayerNavH"s CSS remove the clear property. Since there is no longer a floating element this isn't really needed.
  3. In your .navTbls rule remove the 'left: 2px;' and 'top: 30px', but leave 'position: absolute;'. This will keep the changing divisions in the same place.

Now your division with the id "LayerNavV" is positioned where we would like it, but now we need to make it play well with the other elements on the page. Specifically your division with the id "LayerSlgn". We are simply going to add 'float: left;" into "LayerNavV"s CSS. Now if "LayerSlgn" was visible it would be exactly where we want it. Remove the 'width: 860px;' from "LayerSlgn"s CSS.

Now for the iframe that has been shoved to the bottom. This is happening because the iframe's width is too large to fit within the amount of space left. To fix this we need to,

  1. In the division with the id "LayerContentI" remove the 'width: 860px;' and change 'height: 480px;' to 481px. This will make the content line up with the side navigation bar.
  2. In the iframe's inline styles you need to alter:
    • 'z-index: 9;' this is no longer needed.
    • change 'width: 100%;' to 843px. Now the division is small enough to fit within given space.

z-index can now be removed from your .popout rule. Then in the .popout rule change 'left: 144px' to 259px, or however far over you think is best. Now all that's left is playing around with the top property for each popout until you find the distance from the top that you like.

I've included a screen shot of what the finished product looks like. If you have any problems or would like something further explained, feel free to ask. Also, I recommend fixing the 32 erros in your code. They can be found by pasting the code here.

Regards, Arkinder

Thanks, Arkinder. That was the most complete analysis that I have ever received in a forum! No doubt, a bunch of these errors have been hanging around from before the current redesign and I'll certainly work on the deprecated and incorrect junk that is still in there.


No problem, and good luck.

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