Hello friends,
i want to lean the HTML should i join any institute or i will learn from the forums.Please tell me the book for this.

w3schools is the one the best online tutorials for HTML, Css and Many.dont go for any institute they will just suck you money for one useless certificate ..once you studied the HTML in w3schools ...if you have any dout you can post in this forum ...we guys will surley help you!

click HTML tutorial for understanding it and learning it...
Institute will suck bucks for no reason and will just play tricks for all these ....
It's better to use online tutorial and if you have any problem then just post in forums....people are there to help ya!!!!
And moreover i urge not only to study but implement and make innovative things out of it....

There are many online tutorial which you can go through.and you can also consider a book "HTML Dog" by Patrick Griffiths.It will be very beneficial for you.

According to me you should join the institute because if you think that you can learn HTML by HTML tutorial or w3schools website, i think this is impossible for you but if you will be lean HTML in institute then this tutorial and www.w3school website will be
very beneficial for learn advance and latest things so i recommend you that first you should join the institute ...

I do not understand a word weepraxis is saying....
anyway, w3school.com is easy to learn, and it is step by step tutorial
by going through the examples, you will quickly understand how to write a simple HTML, and go on and on... javascript, php, xml, ajax, lots more....sigh

Hello friends,
i want to lean the HTML should i join any institute or i will learn from the forums.Please tell me the book for this.

You can learn it in better way from www.w3schools.com

commented: Thanks for repeating what was already posted five times. Very useful. -3

can some one post a link here where i can get the best PHP ebook to download.....

Please note it must be FREE.....i have no bucks to pay for that

Thank u

No professional web developer will recommend w3schools. You can read a good summary of all wrong and misleading information on w3schools on http://w3fools.com/.
http://htmldog.com/ has much better tuts for html and css.

For PHP, the Tigzag tutorial is pretty good.

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