Hi I'm new to all this hope i am in the right place have made a form in dreamweaver mx and a cgi email in my cgi-bin however i am unable to recieve the information i get various errors, I believe i need to make a .txt file aswell to let the cgi script know where to send the information however this is where i am stuck as i don't have a clue what this .txt file should look like or contain can anyone HELP!:rolleyes:

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Hi kingcong,

Can you please provide what sort of language you're using to create the cgi script? Could also share what sort of errors you are receiving?

To be honest, I'm not at all familiar with Dreamweaver; although, I could probably provide some help with some more information.

Kind Regards,


Hi kingcong,

Can you please provide what sort of language you're using to create the cgi script? Could also share what sort of errors you are receiving?

To be honest, I'm not at all familiar with Dreamweaver; although, I could probably provide some help with some more information.

Kind Regards,


Hi, thanks for trying to help the cgi script is suppled by thr server and is just called cgiemail. The errors i get are either HTTP 500 or 403depending on changes I try to make it work. This is the guide they supply http://web.mit.edu/wwwdev/cgiemail/ I think my form is ok in dreamweaver its the text file I need to create to make it process the form and forward it, that is whats killing me?
I have copied and pasted ther eg changing url to mine and the email address to me and had ltd sucess but when I try to do it all alone it fails miserably,
Here's hoping you may have some help for me sorry for rambling on like I said this is all a new step for me though..
Thanks Kingcong

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