So I was stupid and accepted a file from someone without thinking twice, only to realize it was a worm/virus. I first did virus scan and nothing came up. Then I did it again and it showed a virus, and got rid of it. Yesterday, however, Norton Antivrus popped up a message saying that I had w32.spybot.worm (virus name) in my C:/windows/systems32/winis.exe and it isn't unable to be deleted. I've ran AdAware and at first, it showed the normal amount but when I went into Run trying to fix it and then redid AdAware, over 200 things showed up - 2 which can't be deleted (Malware). My Norton can't delete this worm either.
How can I get rid of this?? What am I missing/doing wrong?? I'm a University student who LIVES off of my computer and don't have much time to spend fixing it up. I need to write essays and I'm going to be terrified if I happen to lose any of them! Help meeee please and thank you! :sad: