Evenbit 52 Junior Poster

This exercise gets you familiar with Ubuntu command-line tools for creating, navigating, and removing directories.

Follow these steps

  1. Type "cd ~" and press Enter. This makes sure you are working in your "home" directory.
  2. Create a new directory by typing "mkdir mystuff" and press Enter.
  3. Type "cd mystuff" and press Enter to move to this directory.
  4. Type "ls" and press Enter to see that this new directory is empty.
  5. Type "cd .." and press Enter to get back to where we were.
  6. Type "mkdir theworld" and press Enter to give others some room.
  7. Type "cd theworld" and press Enter to go there.
  8. Now, re-discover yourself by typing "cd ../mystuff" and press Enter.
  9. Create two more directories: type "mkdir myPlay" and press Enter, then type "mkdir myWork" and press Enter.
  10. Type "ls" and press Enter.
  11. Type "cd myPlay" and press Enter.
  12. Now type "cd ~" and press Enter.
  13. Type "dir -R mystuff" and press Enter to see what you have created.
  14. Destroy the World by typing "rmdir theworld" and press Enter.
  15. Remove your presence by typing "rm -r mystuff" and press Enter.
  16. Type "ls" and press Enter.
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