A typical computer memory can be viewed as an array of locations. At each location, a binary sequence of fixed length can be stored.

Assume that the fixed length is 24. For each of the following encoding schemes, provide the value of the largest unsigned integer that can be represented and give the corresponding binary sequence that represent that value:

"Please Help needed, I'm not sure what i'm suppose to do. Thank You for any help T_T"
a) natural binary encoding (base 2)
b) BCD encoding
c) 8-bit ASCII encoding

a) 2 power 24 - 1
b) well BCD 4 bits each digit 0-9, work it out, 21 - 0010 0001
c) a bit of a trick question, ACII is used to represent characters not numbers specifically but you can look up the ASCII table and fiddle about but I'd say what? for that question or ask for clarification

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