I have an issue within my program where it sas the struct I have created is not initialized. Any suggestions?
The lab I am working on is
Write a program to help a local restaurant automate its breakfast billing system. The program should do the following:
Show the customer the different breakfast items offered by the restaurant.
Allow the customer to select more than one item from the menu.
Calculate and print the bill.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <ostream>
#include <istream> 
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

//global Declarations 
const int r = 8;

struct MenuItems
string menuItem;
double menuPrice;    
int numOrdered;
}; //On this line I am getting an error for the variables being undefined 

//Function prototypes
void  getData(ifstream& menuFile, MenuItems menuArray[]);
void showMenu(MenuItems menuArray[], int r);
void printCheck(MenuItems menuArray[]);
int makeSelection(int number);

int main()
cout << "Timothy Cornwell -- Lab 9" << endl << endl;

//Variable declarations

char continueselection;
MenuItems menuArray[r];    
ifstream menuFile;
int number; 
double totalItems;
int choice;
double taxRate = 5/100;
double Tax;
double totalTax; 
double totalBill;   

//Program logic  
cout << " Welcome to Johnny's Restaurant\n";
cout << " ---------Today's Menu---------\n";
showMenu(menuArray, r);
cout << endl;
getData(menuFile, menuArray);

for (int s = 0; s < r; s++)
    menuArray[s].numOrdered = 0;


    choice = makeSelection(number);  // Also right here it says that the variable is uninitialized       

    while (choice < 0 || choice > r)
        cout << "Invalid entry." << endl;
        cout << endl;
       choice = makeSelection(number);

    totalItems = menuArray[number].numOrdered;
    cout << menuArray[number].numOrdered << setw(15) << menuArray[number].menuItem << endl;

    cout << "Would you like to make a selection? Yes (Y/y) No (N/n): ";
    cin >> continueselection;

 } while (continueselection == 'Y' || continueselection == 'y');
cout << endl;        

//calculating tax and printing check

totalTax = totalItems * taxRate;
Tax = (totalTax * 100 + .5) / 100;
totalBill = totalItems + Tax;

if (continueselection == 'N' || continueselection == 'n')



//Closing program statements
return 0;

//Function Definitions
void getData(ifstream& menuFile, MenuItems menuArray[])
if (!menuFile)
    cout << "Could not open menu file.";
    string menuitem;
    double cost;

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        getline(menuFile, menuitem);
        menuFile >> cost;
        menuArray[i].menuItem = menuitem; 
        menuArray[i].menuPrice = cost;

}   menuFile.close();


void printCheck(MenuItems menuArray[])
int x = 0;

cout << "Welcome to Johnny's Restaurant\n";

for (x; x < r; x++)
    if (menuArray[x].numOrdered > 0)
        cout << menuArray[x].numOrdered << setw(15) << menuArray[x].menuItem << right <<
        fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << "$" << menuArray[x].menuPrice << right << endl;

        cout << "" << endl;



int makeSelection(int number)
number = 0;   

cout << "Please choose an item on the menu: ";
cin >> number;
number = number - 1;   

return number;

void showMenu(MenuItems menuArray[], int r)

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)

        cout << i + 1  << setw(15) << left <<  menuArray[i].menuItem  << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << "$"  << menuArray[i].menuPrice << endl;



What I've noticed in your code, is basically exactly as the error message you get. You're using variables before you've given them values.

The first one is a little tricky. You're accessing menuArray to print out MenuItems, but you haven't given any of the members of MenuItems any values.

In the second. You're passing number to makeSelection without giving it a value. I also noted that this one is largely redundant. You're passing this variable by value but you aren't using the value. I think that you can eliminate that parameter and just create number inside makeSelection.

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