Hey All,

I wanted to find if it this is possible. I have a db in sql server with some large tables and I would like to transfer the entire db from one server to another server without having to create the tables and so on. Is this possible?


...I have a db in sql server with some large tables and I would like to transfer the entire db from one server to another server without having to create the tables and so on. Is this possible?

It would seem to be possible. Use the BACKUP command to make the dump. Use the RESTORE command to restore it.

And from Experts Xchange:

restore database dev
from disk = 'c:\temp\james\dev.bak'
with move 'dev' to 'c:\dev_data.mdf',
move 'dev_log' to 'c:\dev_log.ldf'

Agoogle search for "sql server dump" will yield much arcane info on this.

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