pepyrs 0 Light Poster

Hello guys,

I've been to a lot of forums and discussions about this but I never found precise solution.

I'm having a WEB application in ASP.NET written in C# and a MySQL database behind.
I made a button "Import from Excel" which has SQL command:

"LOAD DATA INFILE 'importTest2MorePads.csv' INTO TABLE management FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','"

This is working just fine. But what I want is to import Excel file not a CSV. As far as I read, LOAD DATA command does not support excel files because they are binary (not sure about that).
If I use instead the phpMyAdmin tool for Importing data which is pretty easy actually I get everything imported without any problems.

So the problem is in my sql command for the button if I get it right.
Do you know what command should I use so I import xls files directly from my app to the database?

Please help me I will appreciate it.


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