I have this table:

Time_Stamp Time_Stamp_ms
'2014-04-11 13:33:24', '879', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '1', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:24', '899', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '2', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:24', '919', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '3', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:24', '939', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '4', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:24', '959', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '5', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:24', '979', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '6', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:24', '999', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '7', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:25', '19', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '8', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:25', '39', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '9', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:25', '59', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '10', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:25', '79', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '11', 'text'
'2014-04-11 13:33:25', '99', '5555', '4444', '3333', '2222', '1111', '123', '12', 'text'

I want to get rows from one date, time and ms to another.

Now this would work great:

SELECT * FROM objects WHERE (date_field BETWEEN '2014-04-11 13:33:24' AND '2014-04-11 13:33:25')

But I need it to be more filtered out by ms....How could I do this? I tried between with the ms but it doesnt work.

Noone has any ideas? At all?

Can't you CONCAT both columns to create a timestamp?

Tried that but didn't work.

Got it to work :)

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