the_pilot 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all,

I wonder if someone can answer some questions for me related to animation:

1) Key-frame animation. You define keyframes over time and the program fills-in the in-between frames (interpolation), correct?

2) Procedural. I know that in procedural animation the program caclulates the animationn in terl-time based on a varity of variables (e.g., body mass), but I don't have any precise definitions for it? Can you help? Also what are its dsifferences with other animation techniques? Finally can someone attach a snippet of procedural programming performing a simple motion? Is Quest3D a procedural animation tool? Are you aware of any other procedural tools?

3) Dynamic: Is dynamic the same as procedural if not what are the differences?

4) Kinematic animation: What is it and its differences with the other techniques!

Many thanks for any replies