So here, I am gonna to ask developers around which is the most popular language is used to develop a game for students or professionals.

haney_1 commented: So here, I am gonna to ask developers around which is the most popular language is used to develop a game for students or professionals. +0

Popular doesn't mean best, and best can depend on many factors:

  1. speed of game play and complexity of calculations
  2. speed and ease of development
  3. available resources
  4. skill and number of developers
  5. type of game (first person shooter, puzzle, etc.)

Years ago I wrote a 3D breakout game in python. Given the tools available today I'd likely pick python again.

commented: Essentials +0

Thanks, @reverendjim sharing your thoughts.

yes there are important factors but counting these are the best factors then which language should somebody need to start developing a game?

Actually, the game is usually not the goal itself but learning how to program.

Let's take a look at Tic Tac Toe at and we see about 70 languages there for this game.

While it's considered a trivial game, a student could learn quite a bit about design and any language by writing this game.

The example that you gave me is incredible.

which language should somebody need to start developing a game?

I would suggest the language you know, assuming it is appropriate for game development. Getting back to my 3D Breakout game, if I had tried writing it while I was learning python I would have made a large number of bad design decisions. A few years later I wrote a Sudoku application. It was actually a port of an earlier version I had written in vb.NET. The structures of both versions were radically different just because of the different languages. By the way, it was much much easier writing it in python.

It is possible to create a game with Python programming language using various libraries and frameworks such as Pygame, PyOpenGL, and Pyglet. However, the suitability of Python for game development may depend on the complexity and performance requirements of the game.

Hi I agree with Reverend Jim, there are several factors that could define which programming language is better, I studied at the university of TECH and what I was taught was to look for the one that would give me more tools to work with more feasibility, and I came to the conclusion that Python is the best language for video games personally.

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