i would like to add graphics to to the "8 queens problem" with a 8*8 grid colored in black and white with the 8 queens placed on the board and moving them using the arrow keys is that possible plz help me it is counted for my annual exam i've got to pass this!!

wow... can that be done in c++?? can someone tell me which API's to use for this?? would luv to give it a shot...

i would like to add graphics to to the "8 queens problem" with a 8*8 grid colored in black and white with the 8 queens placed on the board and moving them using the arrow keys is that possible plz help me it is counted for my annual exam i've got to pass this!!

Have you got 6 months to learn how to do simple graphical programs? You are biting off too much if you have no idea how to proceed. Adding a graphical interface to a program is like converting a lawnmower into a go-cart. You have to learn how to create the graphical framework before you can drop in your code.

If you haven't been taught graphics, you'll pass without it.

>wow... can that be done in c++??
If it can be done at all, it can be done in C++, with one or two exceptions.

>can someone tell me which API's to use for this??
Start with Allegro. It's relatively straightforward and easy to learn.

well i havnt made myself clear well i did a chess board and then id like to move the queens to the locations i tell them to how do i do that??

how about using a visual c++.net windows forms application, so that you can make use of objects like image boxes etc..

how do you do that??

>how about using a visual c++.net windows forms application
Sure, but then you're not using C++ anymore, you're using C++/CLI, which is a different programming language.

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