Hi everyone
I have written an applcation and now its the step that I want to make user authorization !
but I don't know any thing about it !
if anyone knows please introduce me some articles or please guides me !
thanx for your help

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just make a function .. call it on top of the main class...

and you can input a username and password from the user ... and if you want it permanent .. then you can save it in a file in encrypted file or as it is.

Hi :)
thanx for your comments , but you have been misunderstanded!
I want to give different privilleges to different users :)

- Nazanin

owww .... I think you failed to explain clearly :D. Any wayz ... I make a different GUI group for every authorization. I made a home finance manager ... with four users with their seperate accounts .. and a general group that can be accessed by everyone ... and an admin .. who can access every GUI.

Hi everyone
I have written an applcation and now its the step that I want to make user authorization !
but I don't know any thing about it !
if anyone knows please introduce me some articles or please guides me !
thanx for your help

If u want it in great looking industrial standard way
u can give him a logon screen
wen he submits u can check to ur backend storage and if avialable
proceed else can show err msg
u can have stoarge at first for purpose of studying can use files and later can
move to dbs.In java u can have both these provisions easily
but if u keep user's details until his sessions that 'll be better because
if ur app have more than one modules and a normal user will not have acess to all.that'll be great :lol:

Hi :)
thanx for your comments , but you have been misunderstanded!
I want to give different privilleges to different users :)

- Nazanin

that's easy
u can define each user's access rights in some constants
and can store in backend along with his user id
while one tries to do a function u can chek if he have the right do it

Hi thanx for your guidance !
but that is some how complex to understant for someone like me for the first time :o
I want to know if you have got sample of this code ! or any thing like that !
thanx :)
E-mail : nazanin_dnr@yahoo.com

Hi thanx for your guidance !
but that is some how complex to understant for someone like me for the first time :o
I want to know if you have got sample of this code ! or any thing like that !
thanx :)
E-mail : nazanin_dnr@yahoo.com

sorry for the gap in reply
actually then way i tell is very easy u have to just use a class for defining all the acess privilages and read from there
ok i 'll try to send some coe snipplets for this

sorry for the gap in reply
actually then way i tell is very easy u have to just use a class for defining all the acess privilages and read from there
ok i 'll try to send some coe snipplets for this

Thanx for your help ! I am waiting for your links :)

Hi everyone
I have written an applcation and now its the step that I want to make user authorization !
but I don't know any thing about it !
if anyone knows please introduce me some articles or please guides me !
thanx for your help

hi ,

i am pandian plz tell ur problem clearly whether the authorization through database or thro coding.

with regards

hi ,

i am pandian plz tell ur problem clearly whether the authorization through database or thro coding.

with regards

Hi :)
I mean authorization through coding for example for admin or other ordinary users,the privileges should be different,for example ordinary user can not access to some part of application !
Thanx :o

Thanx for your help ! I am waiting for your links :)

am avilable at jijoycl@sify.com

u can snd mails

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