I'm doing tic tac toe. I am planning to show the scores of the users and computers using the same form. So, for each time the user or the computer loop, i need to add a timer to it so that it can update the scores. Refer to the source code at Private Sub CheckForWin(), i suggest to add a variable to store the scores for X and O,using:
(at line 419)
If XsInARow = 3 Then
Call XWins
If OsInARow = 3 Then
Call OWins
However i still thinking on how to add a timer to this function. Or like this?
If XsInARow = 3 Then
Call anyfunction() within the Private Sub Timer1_Timer() to calculate the scores?
Option Explicit
Dim StartSquare As Integer, EndSquare As Integer, Direction As Integer
Dim XO(2) As String
Dim Blank As Integer
Dim CaseCounter As Integer
Dim XsInARow As Integer, OsInARow As Integer
Dim HumanPlayingAsX As Boolean
Dim HumanMovedAlready As Boolean, CompMovedAlready As Boolean
Dim GameOver As Boolean
Dim SquareValue(8) As Integer
Dim RandChoice(8) As Integer
Dim WinLine As Integer
Dim TieGame As Boolean
Dim strCPU As String
Dim strHuman As String
Dim px As Integer
Dim po As Integer
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Call Square_Click(Chr$(KeyAscii))
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Index As Integer
'Clears squares and any red line marking a win on the last game.
For Index = 0 To 8
Square(Index).Caption = ""
SquareValue(Index) = 0
Next Index
For Index = 0 To 7
Win(Index).Visible = False
Next Index
'Keeps Human as playing same type (X or O) as he did in
'previous game. The default side is X.
If HumanX.Value = 1 Then
HumanPlayingAsX = True
strCPU = "O"
strHuman = "X"
HumanPlayingAsX = False
strCPU = "X"
strHuman = "O"
End If
'Defaults Human as not having selected a square yet
HumanMovedAlready = False
CompMovedAlready = False
'CheckBox for choosing side and
'who plays first are visible.
'Human defaults to being first.
'Displays Intelligence level of Computer.
HumanX.Visible = True
HumanFirst.Visible = True
HumanFirst.Value = 1
Call IntelligenceLevelCase
'These variables are true only if the game ends with a win or a cat's game.
GameOver = False
TieGame = False
'Changes the PlayAgain command button caption back to "New Game"
PlayAgain.Caption = "New Game"
End Sub
Private Sub Square_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim Flash100 As Integer
'This Procedure checks for a click on a square
'and determines several things:
'1) Is the move legal?
'2) Is it the human player's turn?
'If both conditions are true, the player's
'square is selected - if either condition is not true,
'a beep and screen flash effect alert the player
'that they tried to make an illegal move.
If Square(Index).Caption = "" And HumanMovedAlready = False Then
HumanMovedAlready = True
Square(Index).Caption = strHuman
Call CheckForWin
If GameOver = False Then
Call CheckForCatsGame
Call ComputerTurn
End If
'Checks for an illegal move
'Prevents player from clicking to move to an
'already occupied square.
For Flash100 = 1 To 100
Me.BackColor = RGB(Int(256 * Rnd), Int(256 * Rnd), Int(256 * Rnd))
Me.BackColor = "&H00C0FFFF"
Next Flash100
End If
End Sub
Private Sub HumanFirst_Click()
'Skips to computer's turn if human player
'opts to play second
If HumanFirst.Value = 1 Then
HumanMovedAlready = False
HumanMovedAlready = True
Call ComputerTurn
End If
End Sub
Private Sub HumanX_Click()
If HumanX.Value = 1 Then
HumanPlayingAsX = True
strCPU = "O"
strHuman = "X"
HumanPlayingAsX = False
strCPU = "X"
strHuman = "O"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Intelligence_Change()
Dim Red As Integer, Green As Integer, Blue As Integer
'Changes the color of the caption which tells which level of intelligence
'the human player is up against. The color goes from blue (easy) to
'red (hard)
Red = (Intelligence.Value / Intelligence.Max) * 255
Green = 0
Blue = (1 / Intelligence.Value) * 255
Level.ForeColor = RGB(Red, Green, Blue)
Call IntelligenceLevelCase
End Sub
Private Sub PlayAgain_Click()
Dim Index As Integer
Dim OldColor As String
' This section of code rotates the background color
'of the selectable squares for a nice visual effect.
OldColor = Square(0).BackColor
For Index = 0 To 7
Square(Index).BackColor = Square(Index + 1).BackColor
Next Index
Square(8).BackColor = OldColor
' And now we start a new game!
End Sub
Private Sub Quit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub XWins()
px = px + 1
Call GameIsOver
MsgBox ("X wins!")
End Sub
Private Sub OWins()
po = po + 1
GameOver = True
Call GameIsOver
MsgBox ("O Wins!")
End Sub
Private Sub CatsGame()
TieGame = True
Call GameIsOver
MsgBox ("Cat's Game!")
End Sub
Private Sub GameIsOver()
GameOver = True
PlayAgain.Caption = "Play Again?"
If TieGame = False Then Win(CaseCounter).Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub BoardCheck()
'This procedure runs through the CaseCounter routine
'Which we will use in several different areas to check
'for a win by either side.
'The computer A.I. uses this routine to check for
'which moves would be the most advantageous to make.
'Squares are numbered in our array as follows:
' 0|1|2
' -----
' 3|4|5
' -----
' 6|7|8
Select Case CaseCounter
'These next 3 cases allow our FOR... NEXT loop to
'check the status of the horizontal rows of the board.
Case 0
StartSquare = 0
EndSquare = 2
Direction = 1
Case 1
StartSquare = 3
EndSquare = 5
Direction = 1
Case 2
StartSquare = 6
EndSquare = 8
Direction = 1
'These next 3 cases allow our FOR... NEXT loop to
'check the status of the vertical columns of the board
Case 3
StartSquare = 0
EndSquare = 6
Direction = 3
Case 4
StartSquare = 1
EndSquare = 7
Direction = 3
Case 5
StartSquare = 2
EndSquare = 8
Direction = 3
'These last 2 cases allow our FOR... NEXT loop to
'check the status of the diagonals of the board.
Case 6
StartSquare = 0
EndSquare = 8
Direction = 4
Case 7
StartSquare = 2
EndSquare = 6
Direction = 2
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub XOSelect(XOSquare)
'This Subroutine allows us to check for varying combinations of squares
'that can win the game or save the game from being lost. The Blank variable
'borrows expressions from our CaseCounter Select Case subroutine. It is used
'to identify the open square in a given sequence so that a point value can
'be assigned to it later.
Select Case XOSquare
Case 1
XO(0) = "X"
XO(1) = "X"
XO(2) = ""
Blank = EndSquare
Case 2
XO(0) = "X"
XO(1) = ""
XO(2) = "X"
Blank = StartSquare + Direction
Case 3
XO(0) = ""
XO(1) = "X"
XO(2) = "X"
Blank = StartSquare
Case 4
XO(0) = "O"
XO(1) = "O"
XO(2) = ""
Blank = EndSquare
Case 5
XO(0) = "O"
XO(1) = ""
XO(2) = "O"
Blank = StartSquare + Direction
Case 6
XO(0) = ""
XO(1) = "O"
XO(2) = "O"
Blank = StartSquare
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub IntelligenceLevelCase()
Select Case Intelligence.Value
Case 1
Level.Caption = "Mindless"
Case 2
Level.Caption = "Poor"
Case 3
Level.Caption = "Average"
Case 4
Level.Caption = "Clever"
Case 5
Level.Caption = "Genius"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub CheckForCatsGame()
'If all the spaces are filled, the game ends.
Dim Index As Integer
Dim Space As Integer
For Index = 0 To 8
If Square(Index).Caption = "" Then Space = Space + 1
Next Index
If Space = 0 Then
Call CatsGame
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SpecialAI()
Dim MiddleSideSquare As Integer
Dim Index As Integer
If (Square(0).Caption = strHuman And Square(8).Caption = strHuman) _
Or (Square(2).Caption = strHuman And Square(6).Caption = strHuman) Then
For Index = 1 To 7 Step 2
SquareValue(Index) = 10
Next Index
End If
If Square(1).Caption = strHuman And Square(5).Caption = strHuman Then
SquareValue(6) = 0
End If
If Square(5).Caption = strHuman And Square(7).Caption = strHuman Then
SquareValue(0) = 0
End If
If Square(3).Caption = strHuman And Square(7).Caption = strHuman Then
SquareValue(2) = 0
End If
If Square(1).Caption = strHuman And Square(3).Caption = strHuman Then
SquareValue(8) = 0
End If
If Intelligence.Value > 4 Then
For Index = 1 To 7 Step 2
If Square(Index).Caption = strHuman Then
MiddleSideSquare = MiddleSideSquare + 1
End If
Next Index
If MiddleSideSquare = 1 Then
If Square(1).Caption = strHuman Then
SquareValue(0) = 10
SquareValue(2) = 10
End If
If Square(3).Caption = strHuman Then
SquareValue(0) = 10
SquareValue(6) = 10
End If
If Square(5).Caption = strHuman Then
SquareValue(2) = 10
SquareValue(8) = 10
End If
If Square(7).Caption = strHuman Then
SquareValue(6) = 10
SquareValue(8) = 10
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckForWin()
Dim Index As Integer
'Removes the checkboxes that allow human player to
'change sides or change who goes first after the first
'move is made - no changing sides mid-game! :)
If HumanX.Visible = True Then Call RemoveOptions
'The rest of this procedure checks every possible direction one could
'win and triggers the end of game procedures if anyone gets 3 in a row.
CaseCounter = 0
While CaseCounter < 8
Call BoardCheck
XsInARow = 0
OsInARow = 0
For Index = StartSquare To EndSquare Step Direction
If Square(Index).Caption = "X" Then XsInARow = XsInARow + 1
If Square(Index).Caption = "O" Then OsInARow = OsInARow + 1
Next Index
If XsInARow = 3 Then Call XWins
If OsInARow = 3 Then Call OWins
CaseCounter = CaseCounter + 1
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveOptions()
HumanX.Visible = False
HumanFirst.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub CompSquareSelection()
Dim Index As Integer
Dim HighVal As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim FinalChoice As Integer
Counter = 0
HighVal = 0
For Index = 0 To 8
If SquareValue(Index) = HighVal Then
RandChoice(Counter) = Index
Counter = Counter + 1
End If
If SquareValue(Index) > HighVal Then
HighVal = SquareValue(Index)
For Counter = 1 To 8
RandChoice(Counter) = 0
Next Counter
RandChoice(0) = Index
Counter = 1
End If
Next Index
Index = Int(Rnd * Counter)
Square(RandChoice(Index)).Caption = strCPU
HumanMovedAlready = False
End Sub
Private Sub ComputerTurn()
If GameOver = False Then
Call CompAI
Call CompSquareSelection
Call CheckForWin
Call CheckForCatsGame
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
'Update Score Labels
Label1.Caption = px
Label3.Caption = po
End Sub