Alright so.... i have logic errors in my game... and idk how to fix them... can i get some help?..... this is a project due for school... tonight midnight actually... and i'm afraid that if i post my code online that... they'll void my program for plagirism x_X'''... so.... ya x_______x'''

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I need some help too on this program. I'm totally stuck!!

I'm totally stuck!!

Get out the lard and grease up to that you can get unstuck :)

That's a good idea :)

On a serious note, How can I get a user to input column number in an array? I initialized char array
with ' ' - blank space. Now I have to ask user to give me column number on this array.

Sorry, not the user but use a random number generator to randomly select location on that array. How should I approach this problem.

just like generating any other random number. If X is the number of columns then int col = rand() % X;

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