i am trying to create a windows service,in the config file i will list out various ports and their numbers,i want to monitor these ports and record the ports starting time,process id, end time whenever any request is coming for those ports listed in config file.
can anyone tell how to move to create the service?

You can create you own configurations' sections to store data in the config file then to retrieve them at the appropriate time:
open the config file then add those tags

    <section name="Port1" 

  <Port1 key="Account" serial="9000"/>

Supposing,Of Corse that the port parameters are key and serial key ="Account" and serial="9000", it's just an example you can put any other values or add/retreieve attributes according to your needs
Once the data is stored in the config file, you can retrive and manage them programmatically as so

 /* This code provides access to configuration files using OpenMappedExeConfiguration
  , method. You can use the OpenExeConfiguration method instead. For further   informatons
, consult the MSDN, it gives you more inforamtions about config files access methods*/
ExeConfigurationFileMap oConfigFile = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
oConfigFile.ExeConfigFilename = Application.StartupPath + "\\AppConfig.exe.config";
Configuration oConfiguration = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(oConfigFile, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

/* create a PortSectionHandler object and use oConfiguration.GetSection method 
 to get the targeted section  */
  PortsSectionHandler.PortSectionHandler oSection = 
  oConfiguration.GetSection("Port1") as PortsSectionHandler.PortSectionHandler;
/* Those ares the key and the serial values of our customized section you can use them to achive your purposes */
                KeyValue = oSection.Key;
                SectionValue = oSection.Serial;

// If there is not a corresponding section, then the exception is raised

catch (NullReferenceException caught) { MessageBox.Show(caught.Message); }


but before all that you must define a derived class from the Configuration section class witch is an abstract class and add all attributes your neeed for your port, here is an example you can modify it to suite your needs by adding or retrieving properties Of Corse.

public class PortSectionHandler : ConfigurationSection
   //First constructor
   public PortSectionHandler() { }
   //Second constructor
   public PortSectionHandler(string SectionName,string Key, string Serial)
                this.SectionName = SectionName; this.Key = Key; this.Serial = Serial;

   //First property: SectionName
            private string _SectionName;
            public string SectionName
            { get { return _SectionName; } set { _SectionName = value; }}
   //Second property: The port Key
          [ConfigurationProperty("key", DefaultValue = "Account", IsRequired = true)] 
          [StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = "|~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;'\\",MinLength = 1)] 
            public string Key
            { get { return (string)this["key"]; }set { this["key"] = value; }}
   //Third property: The port serial
          [ConfigurationProperty("serial", DefaultValue = "9000",IsRequired = true)]
          [StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = "|~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;'\\", MinLength = 1)]
            public string Serial
            {get { return this["serial"] as string;}set {this["serial"] = value;}}


Remember that the bold parameter corespond to the namespace of the above defined class and the red colored one corespond to the above derived class name

    <section name="Port1" 

I know it's a little bit advanced but I you need helps on that you can write me back

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