Bob_180_Bob 41 Posting Virtuoso

Windows partly hangs on re-boot?

After running windows for any length of time, if I am required to re-boot for any reason (software installation, etc) the PC hangs before the “Progress bar” starts to fill across the bottom of the screen. All I get after the initial “post screen” is a black screen. Hitting buttons on the keyboard starts the “Progress Bar” and continued hitting, keeps it moving quickly. It will normally fully load if left long enough but that could be 10 minutes.

It is a new “clean” installation (Formatted by windows installation) of windows XP Pro with SP1 (now upgraded, via the net, (with all up-grades) to SP3) on a 40 Gig HD (IDE) that has run the same windows installation before without problems.

Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 3
Celeron ® D CPU 3.48GHz
3.47GHz, 1.25 GB RAM
Physical address extension.
ST340014A 40Gig HD

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