I want to display an image right after the dialog is drawn and keep it for like 3 secs (an intro).

I know how to do everything but i can't find a message that is sent when the MFC dialog is displayed, "NOT" about to display.

I can show messages and stuff after dialog has been created by calling this->ShowWindow(TRUE); in OnInitDialog(),
but i cant display an image after the dialof has been displayed untill Return true has been called.

so, is there a way to display an intro after the dialog has been created?

so,can any one help xD?

Help will be appreciated.

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You could display the message in another thread. Before calling the dialog's DoModal() create a thread and have it display the message for however long you want it visible. Call win32 api function CreateThread() to do that. The function isn't very difficult to use because some of the parameters can be just 0 so that it uses default values.

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