freesoft_2000 9 Practically a Master Poster

Hi everyone,

I have an embedded jcomponent in a jtextpane and i am trying to print the contents of the entire jtextpane to the printer i have.

The program does not seem to work but if i use an embedded icon instead of an embedded jcomponent the program works fine and the printer prints out the printout.

I checked all my code but do not understand why this is so and so i did some surfing on sun's website and they say this is a bug
listed as bug number 4708924 and they said they fixed the bug in sdk 1.4.2(the one i am using currently) but when i go to non-sun websites they say that the bug remains unfixed for all java sdk 1.4.* implementations.

I really do not know what the truth is and am hoping that someone can tell me whether the jtextpane printing embedded jcomponents is a bug

Thank You

Yours Sincerely

Richard West

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