
I am an intermediate c++ programmer and want to start win32 programming in c++ but the problem is that how start . I mean where to get win32 libraries including windows.h , resource.h etc. I downloaded the win32++ generic downloads . It gave some libraries and I copied them into my C++ include and classlib folder but I didn't work out. It also gave various other types of files. What to do of them? C++ still gives errors : unable to include resource.h and many more.
Can anyone tell me the way to start win32 programming in perfect way. I mean how to install libraries. I don't want to use visual c++ and build console applications but turbo c++.

Avoid Web tutorials (very poor, written by kids for kids)
Read the Petzold first, then the Richter + Russinovich
And for advanced win32 api questions, you can ask on specialized api newsgroup
(not for beginners, as it's very, very high level (professionals only)...)

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