i have aquestion i really need an answer for it because it frustrated me...
look at these two functions:

void CSecondDlg::OnButton1() 
	//**BROWSE DIALOG 1**//
	   FILE *fp;
	   FILE *file1 = fopen("file1.txt","w");   //Create txt file for saving editbox content
       int nFileLong;
       char strFilter[] = { "CPP Files (*.cpp)|*.cpp|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" };
	   CFileDialog m_ldFile(TRUE, ".cpp", NULL, 0, strFilter);
       if (m_ldFile.DoModal() == IDOK)        //Start File dlg box
       m_sFileName=m_ldFile.GetPathName();    //Get file name
       fp=fopen(m_sFileName,"rb");            //Open file for reading
       fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END);                  //Go to file end 
       nFileLong=ftell(fp);                   //Get length
       char* sText = new char[nFileLong+1];   //reserve string space
       fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET);                  //Go to file start 
       int i=fread(sText,1,nFileLong,fp);     //Read the characters
       sText[i]=0;                            //Set string terminating null
       m_EDIT1=sText;                         //Put text in Edit box's variable
	   fprintf(file1,"%s\n",m_EDIT1);         //print the content of the editbox into the file 
       fclose(file1);                         //Close file2
	   fclose(fp);                            //Close file 
       UpdateData(FALSE);                     //Force data to go to Edit control


void CSecondDlg::OnButton2() 
	//**BROWSE DIALOG 2**//
	   FILE *fp;
	   FILE *file2 = fopen("file2.txt","w");   //Create txt file for saving editbox content
       int nFileLong;
       char strFilter[] = { "CPP Files (*.cpp)|*.cpp|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" };
       CFileDialog m_ldFile(TRUE, ".cpp", NULL, 0, strFilter);
       if (m_ldFile.DoModal() == IDOK)        //Start File dlg box
       m_sFileName=m_ldFile.GetPathName();    //Get file name
       fp=fopen(m_sFileName,"rb");            //Open file for reading
       fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END);                  //Go to file end 
       nFileLong=ftell(fp);                   //Get length
       char* sText = new char[nFileLong+1];   //reserve string space
       fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET);                  //Go to file start 
       int i=fread(sText,1,nFileLong,fp);     //Read the characters
       sText[i]=0;                            //Set string terminating null
       m_EDIT2=sText;                         //Put text in Edit box's variable
	   fprintf(file2,"%s\n",m_EDIT2);         //print the content of the editbox into the file 
       fclose(fp);                            //Close file
	   fclose(file2);                         //Close file2
       UpdateData(FALSE);                     //Force data to go to Edit control

as u can see the two function do the same thing :
open afile into an edit box ....then save the content of the edit box in another file (.txt)
what is bizzare??
well if i open browse1 and browse2 button ...i would find that the first file is created and the second not...(because i hit the button browse1 first).
if i try another time but with hitting browse2 first the opposite thing happend (the second file is changed but not the first )
what is wrong ????
i reaaaly dont know what to do ??
please help me with this
thank u all

1) In the first program snippet you read the input file as binary file then write the output file as if it were a text file. You can't do that because the buffer the end-of-line characters will not be interpreted correctly. Solution: open the output file as binary and use fwrite() to write out the data just as you used fread() to read it.

2) Use your compiler's debugger, set a breakpoint inside each of those functions, and find out what fopen() is returning. Is it returning a NULL pointer? Put another breakpoint on the line just after fclose(). When that one is hit, switch to Windows Exploror and check the file system to see if the output file was created and in the directory you thought it should be.

3) After creating the CFileDialog object and before calling its DoModal(), set its m_ofn.Flag to OFN_NOCHANGEDIR so that it don't change directories on you.

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