I am having problems with using a header file called lt360lib.h

My code is as follows

#include <lt360lib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


as you can see it is a simple code just to test if the header file is being accepted or not. but i get the following error

e:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\lt360lib.h(182) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'LT360LIB_LinkedCnt'
e:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\lt360lib.h(182) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found

all of these errors point to the header file, when i remove "#include <lt360lib.h>" the code compiles with no problems.

Please note i use Microsoft visual C++ 6.0.
This is the header file. i think the problem is with the "LONGINT" return type of the function same too for the "LONGBOOL" types since visual c++ understands "bool" not "LONGBOOL" , also "long int" not "LONGINT".

Also as i searched these types LONGBOOL and LONGINT are used with delphi "pascal language", if this is true is it possible to convert it to normal c++.


Thanks for all

// Header file for Exported Functions in LT360 control library: LT360LIB.DLL
// =========================================================================
// (C)2006 LinearX Systems Inc, Mar-01-2006, Chris N. Strahm
// =========================================================================
// This DLL provides a high level interface for controlling one or more
// LT360 turntables. Up to a maximum of 128 units are managed by the DLL.
// NOTE: See the DLL Programming Manual for details on using this interface.
// All functions communicate to the LT360 units by numeric index handle.
// Therefore the application program can manage units by keeping track of
// the index handle for each LT360 unit linked.
// Linking is provided either through the RS-232 COM ports or the USB bus
// of the PC.  The application program can choose which method to attempt
// a link with an LT360.
// All strings passed to or from the functions are ASCIIZ strings.  It is
// the responsibility of the calling program to allocate the char buffers.
// All functions use the Windows standard calling convention, passing
// parameters from right to left on the stack. The routines cleanup the stack.
// ========================================================================

// ============================================================================
// After the link is established, commands can be sent using a single function,
// LT360LIB_CmdValue.  This function takes 3 parameters. Both string and numeric
// parameters are passed using an ASCIIZ string.  Return values are passed to
// the same parameter for the Get commands.  Commands are selected by using
// different identifier constants as listed below.
// ============================================================================

// ============================================================================
// NOTE: The LT360LIB_WriteBinary and LT360LIB_ReadBinary functions are only
//       used by the LT360.EXE Win32 application for updating firmware.
//       They are not needed and should not be called by customer applications.
// ============================================================================

#ifndef LT360LIB_H
#define LT360LIB_H

#include <windows.h>

// 		=========================================================================================
// 		Identifier         		   Cmd    USB COM Data Address  Description
// 		-------------------------- ---    --- --- ---- -------  ------------------------------------------
// WriteBinary calls
#define lt_EnterRAM   	          0x11  /* X   -     0     11h  Enter RAM mode for Flash Programming		*/
#define lt_ExitRAM    	          0x12  /* X   -     0     12h  Exit  RAM mode, return to normal op		*/
#define lt_WriteRamData	          0x15  /* X   -    32    nnnn  Write data to flash buffer		*/
#define lt_EraseFlash	          0x16  /* X   -     0  SecNum  Erase Flash Sector, by SecNum		*/
#define lt_RamToFlash	          0x17  /* X   -     0  RomAdr  Copy Buffer RAM to RomAdr		*/
#define lt_FlashToRam             0x18  /* X   -     0  RomAdr  Copy from RomAdr to Buffer RAM (1024)		*/
#define lt_ReBoot                 0x19  /* X   -     0     19h  ReBoot LT360		*/
// SetCmd calls
#define lt_Goto_CCW               0x1C  /* X   X    16       0  Goto by CCW pos str eg. '45.0' '-135.0'		*/
#define lt_Goto_CW                0x1D  /* X   X    16       0  Goto by CW  pos str eg. '45.0' '-135.0'		*/
#define lt_Step_CCW               0x1E  /* X   X     0       0  Step by CCW		*/
#define lt_Step_CW                0x1F  /* X   X     0       0  Step by CW		*/
#define lt_SetSmartTorque         0x20  /* X   X     4       0  Set SmartTorque Str: "ON", "OFF"		*/
#define lt_SetBaudRate	          0x21  /* X   X     8       0  Set Baudrate Str: "9600"		*/
#define lt_SetOrigin	          0x22  /* X   X     0       0  Set current position as origin 0.0		*/
#define lt_SetPulseDir            0x23  /* X   X     4       0  Set Pulse Dir Str: "CCW", "CW"		*/
#define lt_SetPulseEdge           0x24  /* X   X     4       0  Set Pulse Edge Trigger Str: "RISE", "FALL"		*/
#define lt_SetStepSize 	          0x25  /* X   X    10       0  Set Degrees per Step Str: "5.0"  "0.1"		*/
#define lt_SetVelocity	          0x26  /* X   X    10       0  Set Velocity RPM Str: "1.00"  "3.00"		*/
#define lt_SetTorque              0x27  /* X   X    10       0  Set Torque % Str: "100.0"  "50.0"		*/
#define lt_SetAccelFunc           0x28  /* X   X     2       0  Set Accel Func Num Str: "0" ... "4"		*/
#define lt_SetName                0x29  /* X   X    32       0  Set Unit Name Str: "xxxxxxx"		*/
#define lt_SetProdDate            0x2A  /* X   X    12       0  Set Production Date Str: "Jan-15-2005"		*/
#define lt_SetCalDate             0x2B  /* X   X    12       0  Set Calibration Date Str: "Jan-15-2005"		*/
#define lt_SetDueDate             0x2C  /* X   X    12       0  Set Cal Due Date Str: "Jan-15-2005"		*/
#define lt_SetBacklash            0x2D  /* X   X    10       0  Set Backlash, Deg Str: "0.055"		*/
#define lt_SetMaxTorque           0x2E  /* X   X    10       0  Set MaxTorque, N*M Str: "43.5"		*/
#define lt_SetDacNoise            0x2F  /* X   X    10       0  Set DacNoise, uVrms Str: "21.3"		*/
#define lt_SetDacVhi              0x30  /* X   X    10       0  Set DacVhi, VDC Str: "3.666555"		*/
#define lt_SetDacVlo              0x31  /* X   X    10       0  Set DacVlo, VDC Str: "-1.265768"		*/
#define lt_SetPulseInput          0x32  /* X   X     4       0  Set Pulse Input Str: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_SetAnalogInput         0x33  /* X   X     4       0  Set Analog Input Str: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_SetDisplayPolarity     0x34  /* X   X    10       0  Set Display Polarity Str: "UNIPOLAR" "BIPOLAR"		*/
#define lt_SetInputPolarity       0x35  /* X   X    10       0  Set Input   Polarity Str: "UNIPOLAR" "BIPOLAR"		*/
#define lt_SetOutputPolarity      0x36  /* X   X    10       0  Set Output  Polarity Str: "UNIPOLAR" "BIPOLAR"		*/
#define lt_SetSerialNumber        0x37  /* X   X    10       0  Set Serial Number Str: "712345"		*/
#define lt_SetMoveAbort           0x38  /* X   X     0       0  Set MoveAbort, stops movement		*/
#define lt_SetMotorHomeChk        0x39  /* X   X     4       0  Set Motor Home Check, OFF/ON		*/
#define lt_SetRevCode             0x3A  /* X   X     4       0  Set PCB Revision Code, '65'=A		*/
#define lt_SetOutputMode          0x3B  /* X   X     6       0  Set OutputMode: 0=CONT, 1=START, 2=STOP		*/
#define lt_SetDacUnipolarScale    0x40  /* X   X     6       0  Set DAC Unipolar Scale Str: "FFFF" (Analog Output)		*/
#define lt_SetDacUnipolarOffset   0x41  /* X   X     6       0  Set DAC Unipolar Offset Str: "FFFF" (Analog Output)		*/
#define lt_SetDacBipolarScale     0x42  /* X   X     6       0  Set DAC Bipolar Scale Str: "FFFF" (Analog Output)		*/
#define lt_SetDacBipolarOffset    0x43  /* X   X     6       0  Set DAC Bipolar Offset Str: "FFFF" (Analog Output)		*/
#define lt_SetAdcUnipolarScale    0x44  /* X   X     6       0  Set ADC Unipolar Scale Str: "FFFF" (Analog Input)		*/
#define lt_SetAdcUnipolarOffset   0x45  /* X   X     6       0  Set ADC Unipolar Offset Str: "FFFF" (Analog Input)		*/
#define lt_SetAdcBipolarScale     0x46  /* X   X     6       0  Set ADC Bipolar Scale Str: "FFFF" (Analog Input)		*/
#define lt_SetAdcBipolarOffset    0x47  /* X   X     6       0  Set ADC Bipolar Offset Str: "FFFF" (Analog Input)		*/
#define lt_SetDacUniErrorValue    0x48  /* X   X    16       0  Set DAC Unipolar Error Value nnn at index:[0..255] Str: "nnn NNN"		*/
#define lt_SetDacBipErrorValue    0x49  /* X   X    16       0  Set DAC Bipolar Error Value nnn at index:[0..255] Str: "nnn NNN"		*/
#define lt_SetZeroDacUniError     0x4A  /* X   X     0       0  Set Zero's the DAC Unipolar Error Array		*/
#define lt_SetZeroDacBipError     0x4B  /* X   X     0       0  Set Zero's the DAC Unipolar Error Array		*/
#define lt_SetCalMode             0x4C  /* X   X     4       0  Set Calibration Mode Str: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_SetDacPosition         0x4D  /* X   X     8       0  Set DAC position in Microsteps [0..115200-1] str: "nnnnnn"		*/
#define lt_SetDacDirect           0x4E  /* X   X     8       0  Set DAC value directly [0..65535] str: "nnnnn"		*/
#define lt_SetDacCorrect          0x4F  /* X   X     4       0  Set DAC Correction Str: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_SetDebug               0x70  /* X   X     4       0  Set Special Debug mode or command		*/
#define lt_SetWriteRead           0x7F  /* X        32   CmdID  Set WriteRead for RS232, adrcmd for read		*/
// ReadBinary calls
#define lt_ReadRamData	          0x90  /* X   -    32    nnnn  Read data from flash buffer at Adr (1024)		*/
// GetCmd calls
#define lt_GetName                0x91  /* X   X    32       0  Get NAME str		*/
#define lt_GetTitle		          0x92  /* X   X    25       0  Get TITLE str "LT360 Precision Turntable"		*/
#define lt_GetAuthor	          0x93  /* X   X    15       0  Get AUTHOR str "Chris N. Strahm"		*/
#define lt_GetCopyright	          0x94  /* X   X    28       0  Get COPYRIGHT str "(C)2005 LinearX Systems Inc"		*/
#define lt_GetVerCode	          0x95  /* X   X    12       0  Get VerCode str "1.00"		*/
#define lt_GetVerDate	          0x96  /* X   X    12       0  Get VerDate str "JAN-01-2005"		*/
#define lt_GetProdDate	          0x97  /* X   X    12       0  Get ProductionDate str "JAN-01-2005"		*/
#define lt_GetCalDate	          0x98  /* X   X    12       0  Get CalibrationDate str "JAN-01-2005"		*/
#define lt_GetDueDate	          0x99  /* X   X    12       0  Get Calibration Due Date str "JAN-01-2005"		*/
#define lt_GetSerialNumber        0x9A  /* X   X    10       0  Get SerialNumber str "700001"		*/
#define lt_GetBaudRate	          0x9B  /* X   X    10       0  Get BaudRate str "9600", "19200"		*/
#define lt_GetPosition	          0x9C  /* X   X    10       0  Get Position str "15.0", "-45.0"		*/
#define lt_GetPulseDir	          0x9D  /* X   X     4       0  Get Pulse Dir str "CCW", "CW"		*/
#define lt_GetPulseEdge           0x9E  /* X   X     4       0  Get Pulse trigger Edge str "RISE", "FALL"		*/
#define lt_GetStepSize            0x9F  /* X   X    10       0  Get Step Size str "5.0", "0.1"		*/
#define lt_GetVelocity            0xA0  /* X   X    10       0  Get Velocity, RPM str "1.0", "0.1"		*/
#define lt_GetTorque              0xA1  /* X   X    10       0  Get Torque, % str "100.0", "50.0"		*/
#define lt_GetAccelFunc           0xA2  /* X   X     2       0  Get Accel Func str "0", "1" .. "3" number		*/
#define lt_GetMoving              0xA3  /* X   X     4       0  Get Moving Cond str "CCW", "NO", "CW"		*/
#define lt_GetBacklash            0xA4  /* X   X    10       0  Get Backlash, +/-Deg "0.055"		*/
#define lt_GetMaxTorque           0xA5  /* X   X    10       0  Get MaxTorque, N*M "43.5"		*/
#define lt_GetDacNoise            0xA6  /* X   X    10       0  Get DacNoise, uVrms "21.5"		*/
#define lt_GetDacVhi              0xA7  /* X   X    10       0  Get DacVhi, VDC "3.666555"		*/
#define lt_GetDacVlo              0xA8  /* X   X    10       0  Get DacVlo, VDC "-1.2666555"		*/
#define lt_GetPulseInput          0xA9  /* X   X     4       0  Get Pulse Input Status: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_GetAnalogInput         0xAA  /* X   X     4       0  Get Analog Input Status: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_GetSmartTorque         0xAB  /* X   X     4       0  Get Smart Torque Status: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_GetDisplayPolarity     0xAC  /* X   X    10       0  Get Display Polarity Status: "BIPOLAR" "UNIPOLAR"		*/
#define lt_GetInputPolarity       0xAD  /* X   X    10       0  Get Input Polarity Status: "BIPOLAR" "UNIPOLAR"		*/
#define lt_GetOutputPolarity      0xAE  /* X   X    10       0  Get Output Polarity Status: "BIPOLAR" "UNIPOLAR"		*/
#define lt_GetCalMode             0xAF  /* X   X     6       0  Get Cal Mode: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_GetDacUnipolarScale    0xB0  /* X   X     6       0  Get DAC Unipolar Scale Hex Value: "FFFF"		*/
#define lt_GetDacUnipolarOffset   0xB1  /* X   X     6       0  Get DAC Unipolar Offset Hex Value: "FFFF"		*/
#define lt_GetDacBipolarScale     0xB2  /* X   X     6       0  Get DAC Bipolar Scale Hex Value: "FFFF"		*/
#define lt_GetDacBipolarOffset    0xB3  /* X   X     6       0  Get DAC Bipolar Offset Hex Value: "FFFF"		*/
#define lt_GetAdcUnipolarScale    0xB4  /* X   X     6       0  Get Adc Unipolar Scale Hex Value: "FFFF"		*/
#define lt_GetAdcUnipolarOffset   0xB5  /* X   X     6       0  Get ADC Unipolar Offset Hex Value: "FFFF"		*/
#define lt_GetAdcBipolarScale     0xB6  /* X   X     6       0  Get ADC Bipolar Scale Hex Value: "FFFF"		*/
#define lt_GetAdcBipolarOffset    0xB7  /* X   X     6       0  Get ADC Bipolar Offset Hex Value: "FFFF"		*/
#define lt_GetAdcPosition         0xB8  /* X   X    10       0  Get ADC Position in Microsteps:: "0..115200-1" (analog input) (cal)		*/
#define lt_GetAdcVolt             0xB9  /* X   X    10       0  Get ADC voltage: 1.23345 (analog input)		*/
#define lt_GetAdcValue            0xBA  /* X   X    10       0  Get ADC Value : 0..65535 (analog input)		*/
#define lt_GetDacCorrect          0xBB  /* X   X     4       0  Get DAC Correction Status: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_GetDacDirect           0xBC  /* X   X     6       0  Get DAC value: "0..65535"		*/
#define lt_GetDacUniErrFunc       0xBD  /* X   X     4       0  Get DAC Unipolar Error value at current position: "nnn" (cal)		*/
#define lt_GetDacBipErrFunc       0xBE  /* X   X     4       0  Get DAC Bipolar Error value at current position: "nnn" (cal)		*/
#define lt_GetDacUniErrValue      0xBF  /* X   X     4       0  Get DAC Unipolar Error value at index [0..180]: "nnn" (cal)		*/
#define lt_GetDacBipErrValue      0xC0  /* X   X     4       0  Get DAC Bipolar Error value at index [0..180]: "nnn" (cal)		*/
#define lt_GetMotorHomeChk        0xC1  /* X   X     4       0  Get Motor Home Checking Status: "OFF" "ON"		*/
#define lt_GetRevCode             0xC2  /* X   X     4       0  Get PCB Revision Code, '65'=A		*/
#define lt_GetOutputMode          0xC3  /* X   X     6       0  Get OutputMode: 0=CONT, 1=START, 2=STOP		*/
#define lt_GetFlashBootLoader     0xD0  /* X   X     6       0  Get Flash Bootloader Version str: "1.52" "1.30", LPC2104		*/
#define lt_GetFlashPartID         0xD1  /* X   X    12       0  Get Flash Part ID str: "4293984018"		*/
#define lt_GetReadStr             0xF0  /* X        32       0  Get usb str from previous WriteRead from RS232 calls		*/
// ----------------------- ---    --- --- ---- -------  ------------------------------------------

// NOTE: All functions use Standard Calling Convention

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_GetDllVersion
//  Abstract:   Returns the Version and Date strings of the DLL
//  Parameters: returns ver & date strs eg: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , Oct/11/1998
//  Returns:    None
extern void LT360LIB_GetDllVerDate(char *Ver, char *Date);

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_LinkedCnt
//  Abstract:   Returns the number of LT360 with active links (0..128)
//  Parameters: None
//  Returns:    Number of LT360 units with active links via USB or RS-232
[B]extern LONGINT LT360LIB_LinkedCnt(void);[/B]

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_OpenLinkUSB
//  Abstract:   Attempts to find and link one LT360 over the USB bus.
//              Since more than one LT360 may be on the USB bus,
//              this routine can be called repeatly until all of
//              the LT360 units on the USB bus are found (return=0).
//  Parameters: None
//  Returns:    LT360_Index > 0 if found, else 0 if no LT360 found.
extern LONGINT LT360LIB_OpenLinkUSB(void);

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_OpenLinkCOM
//  Abstract:   Attempts to find and link one LT360 over an RS-232 port.
//              Since only one LT360 can be on a single COM port,
//              this routine is called using different COM ports (1,2,3,4..)
//              for each LT360 unit to be linked. If not found, return=0.
//              Note: The BaudRate here must match what the LT360 is using.
//                    The LT360 uses 9600 by default unless it has been changed.
//  Parameters: ComNum (1,2,3,4...) , BaudRate (9600, 19200, etc)
//  Returns:    Handle > 0 if found, else 0 if no LT360 found.
extern LONGINT LT360LIB_OpenLinkCOM(LONGINT ComNum, LONGINT BaudRate);

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_CloseLink
//  Abstract:   Closes/Unlinks the LT360 given by index number (RS232 or USB)
//  Parameters: LT360_Index (1..LinkedCnt)
//  Returns:    Returns TRUE if link closed successfully
extern LONGBOOL LT360LIB_CloseLink(LONGINT Handle);

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_GetUsbFirmwareVerDate
//  Abstract:   Obtains the strings for the Version and Date of the USB
//              controller firmware inside the LT360.
//              The LT360 given by the index number must have USB link.
//  Parameters: LT360_Index, ptrs for Version and Date strings
//  Returns:    Returns TRUE if executed successfully
extern LONGBOOL LT360LIB_GetUsbFirmwareVerDate(LONGINT LT360_Index, char *UsbFirmwareRev, char *UsbFirmwareDate);

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_Cmd
//  Abstract:   Sends a Command to the LT360
//              Also dislays error message dialog if command fails
//  Parameters: Handle: LT360 Index returned from Link
//              CmdID : Command Identifier
//  Returns:    Returns TRUE if executed successfully

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_CmdValue
//  Abstract:   Sends a Command to the LT360
//              Also dislays error message dialog if command fails
//  Parameters: Handle: LT360 Index returned from Link
//              CmdID : Command Identifier
//              ParamValue : Parameter String for Value, may be nil
//                           Get calls return strings in ParamValue
//  Returns:    Returns TRUE if executed successfully
extern LONGBOOL LT360LIB_CmdValue(LONGINT Handle, LONGINT CmdID, char *ParamValue);

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_CmdIndexValue
//  Abstract:   Sends a Command to the LT360
//              Also dislays error message dialog if command fails
//  Parameters: Handle: LT360 Index returned from Link
//              CmdID : Command Identifier
//              ParamIndex : Parameter String for Index, may be nil
//              ParamValue : Parameter String for Value, may be nil
//                           Get calls return strings in ParamValue
//  Returns:    Returns TRUE if executed successfully
extern LONGBOOL LT360LIB_CmdIndexValue(LONGINT Handle, LONGINT CmdID, char *ParamIndex, char *ParamValue);

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_CmdString
//  Abstract:   Returns the Cmd str used for COM port calls.
//  Parameters: CmdID
//  Returns:    Returns command str if executed successfully, empty if bad CmdIndex
extern char *LT360LIB_CmdString(LONGINT CmdID);

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_WriteBinary
//  Abstract:   USB binary data write command.
//              P is a pointer to the data array to be written.
//              Maximum DataByteCnt=32, Adr depends on command
//  Parameters: LT360_Index, CmdIndex, DataByteCnt, Adr
//  Returns:    Returns TRUE if executed successfully
extern LONGBOOL LT360LIB_WriteBinary(LONGINT Handle, LONGINT CmdIndex, LONGINT DataByteCnt, LONGINT Adr, Pointer P);

//  Function: 	LT360LIB_ReadBinary
//  Abstract:   USB binary data read command.
//              P is a pointer to the data array to be returned.
//              Maximum DataByteCnt=32, Adr depends on command
//  Parameters: LT360_Index, CmdIndex, DataByteCnt, Adr
//  Returns:    Returns TRUE if executed successfully
extern LONGBOOL LT360LIB_ReadBinary(LONGINT Handle, LONGINT CmdIndex, LONGINT DataByteCnt, LONGINT Adr, Pointer P);

Function LT360LIB_GetDllVerDate;			External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 01;
Function LT360LIB_LinkedCnt;	    	    External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 02;
Function LT360LIB_CloseLink;		        External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 03;
Function LT360LIB_OpenLinkUSB;	    	    External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 04;
Function LT360LIB_OpenLinkCOM;		        External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 05;
Function LT360LIB_GetUsbFirmwareVerDate;    External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 06;
Function LT360LIB_Cmd;  		            External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 07;
Function LT360LIB_CmdValue;		            External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 08;
Function LT360LIB_CmdIndexValue;            External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 09;
Function LT360LIB_CmdString;		        External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 10;
Function LT360LIB_WriteBinary;		        External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 11;
Function LT360LIB_ReadBinary;		        External 'LT360LIB.DLL' Index 12;

#endif	// LT360LIB_H

Recommended Answers

All 8 Replies

e:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\lt360lib.h(182) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'LT360LIB_LinkedCnt'
e:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\lt360lib.h(182) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found

If you've got the header file from a genuine source, the only possible problem is that you might not have placed the header file in the appropriate path; i.e. e:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\

EDIT: Please give relevant names to your threads from now onwards.

thanks for the reply ,yeah the header file is genuine , i checked the header file it is in the correct location

Does the header file itself compile?

if you mean opening the header file and compiling it i get the error message
"cannot compile the file no compile tool is associated with the file extension"

by the way aren't the LONGINT and LONGBOOL an invalid declaration in visual c++ 6.0 or am i wrong?

Check (on the site from where you downloaded this file) whether this header is VC++ 6.0 compatible.

they said that the header file may require modification depending on the compiler/linker being used , so should i change LONGINT to long int and LONGBOOL to bool, may this help?

Do that if it doesn't hamper the various functions the header file is meant to serve. I'm not sure how it may affect the operation.

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