I've been getting an "Access Violation" error while running this program:

#include "SDL/SDL_ttf.h"

class Font
   TTF_Font *font;

      font = TTF_OpenFont( "c:\\windows\\fonts\\cour.ttf", 20 );
      TTF_CloseFont( font ); //Access violation

int main( int argc, char *args[] )
   if( TTF_Init() < 0 )
	   return 1;

   Font thing;

   return 0;

Apparently, calling TTF_Quit before TTF_CloseFont will cause the error. Is there any easy way around this?

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Scope perhaps?

if( TTF_Init() < 0 )
	   return 1;

      Font thing;

Or call another function.

void foo ( ) {
  Font thing;

int main ( ) {
   if( TTF_Init() < 0 )
	   return 1;


Basically, it's just forcing the destructor to be called before Quit.

Apparently, calling TTF_Quit before TTF_CloseFont will cause the error. Is there any easy way around this?

You might also consider using atexit()

Couldn't he also use pointers?

if( TTF_Init() < 0 )
	   return 1;

     Font* thing = new Font;
     delete thing;


Thanks, these are much better ways than what I had before.

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