im just wondering how you use send() and recv()


bool blah()
	if(recv(send("", "HI"), szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer))
		MessageBox(NULL, "WORKED", "??", MB_OK);
		return true;
		MessageBox(NULL, "FAIL", "??", MB_OK);
		return false;

i know that wouldnt compile but you get the point?

By writing a function called sendAndReceive, which returns a boolean.

i dont need smart ass remarks.

edit: figured it myself.... although its slow "connecting" and when it cant "connect" i get an access violation. any ideas why?

bool TestConnection(char *IP)
	connection conn = connect_to_server(IP, 6500);

	if(rrecv(conn, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)))
		return true;
		return false;
commented: Are you certain that was the tone of the post? +0
commented: Truly an idiot. -2

> i dont need smart ass remarks.
Fine, here's a "I don't give a rats ass" reply.

Plenty, but I'm not going to say a damn thing.

commented: The *ass* belongs to the rat, therefore rat's must contain an apostrophe. -3
commented: What a third class pedantic you are iamthwee. +9

again i dont need spammers and i worked out my problem.

commented: Fine. -2
commented: Yup. The person with the most reputation on daniweb is a spammer. -2
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