my program is

class stack
                  int tos;
                  int store[10];

          tos = 0;


    void push(int x);
    int pop();

    void stack::push(int x)
        cout<<"put the values into stack";
        store[tos++] = x;

   int stack::pop()
     cout<<" get the values from stack ";
     return store[--tos];

    stack stk;
    int i;



here int store[10] array only store 10 items only. I want another class that inherits from stack class . and using the new class how to store infinite items . without touching the main class ( stack class ) .

// suppose the bug of this program is , if user types more than 10 items it will crash .
We are trying to write a bugfix class without touching the main class.

you can only access the functions push() , pop() from the main class

/// ( using inheritance) // iam trying to create a classs named Bugfix .

class Bugfix:public stack


                void push(int x)
                 int pop();
          void Bugfix::push(int x)
          int Bugfix::pop()

only change in main

Bugfix stk;  ///  only change

// same as


how to do it. plz help me.....give some ideas ......plz help...

Recommended Answers

All 2 Replies

One solution: replace int store[10]; with either std::vector or std::valarray. With these you can store seemingly infinite amuont of numbers (of course it isn't really infinite, but close enough for most practical purposes).

There is no real point in writing a "bug-fix class". Essentially the derived class will have to overload all the methods of the base class anyway - so none of the parts of the base class will be used. Either make a new class with the functionality you want, or rewrite the old class.

As already mentioned, you probably want to use a vector or something of that sort.

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