
C++ is new for me.

I have two problem A and B , I need solution of A in B and B in A . I made a pointer in A to copy solution of B but when I am doing same for B to A , it is not working.

Please suggest me how to do

Communication must not be your strong point. Why don't you post the requirements of your program instead of trying to summarize it in cryptic A-B talk. :icon_rolleyes:

It's sounds like that awful 'swapping without using a temp-variable' assignment to me. But then again, with all those abba's, who knows?

Communication must not be your strong point. Why don't you post the requirements of your program instead of trying to summarize it in cryptic A-B talk. :icon_rolleyes:

It is so many files and long code , not possible to write here, Anyway thanks

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