gopi17 8 Junior Poster in Training

hello guys, i need help assigning details in a listbox to a button, therefore changing the buttons color....any idea...i manage to do something here....

PListBox1.Items.Add("Customer Name" & ControlChars.Tab & _
        "Booking Date" & ControlChars.Tab & _
        ControlChars.Tab & "Booking Time")

        PListBox1.Items.Add(Bcusname1.Text & ControlChars.Tab & _
        ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & Bdate1.Value & ControlChars.Tab & _
        ControlChars.Tab & Btime1.Value)
        If PListBox1.Items.Count > 0 And status1 = "Available" Then
            If tableno = 1 Then
                MsgBox("You Have A Table " & Bcusname1.Text & " ,Your table Number is 1,please Take Your Seat...")
            End If

how do i assign it to 30 buttons(accepts new data only if the status1 is available)??....thank you in advance for your help...