This program is a word counter. But my logic is all messed up when it comes to the counting. I am not too sure on how about fixing it. The project compiles yet does not work properly. I still haven't figured yet how to count lines or characters properly.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

//opens the files
void openfiles(ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout);
//starts the count for text analysis
void startcount(int &countwd, int &countline, int &countch, int &countalpha, 
					int &countnum, int &countpunct, int &countother, 
						ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout);
//shows results for text analysis
void endtotal(int countwd, int countline, int countch, int countalpha, 
					int countnum, int countpunct, int countother,  ofstream &fout);
//closes the files
void closefiles (ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout);

int main()
	char text;
	int countwd, countline, countch, countalpha;
	int countnum, countpunct, countother;
	ifstream fin;
	ofstream fout;

  	openfiles(fin, fout);

	startcount(countwd, countline, countch, countalpha, 
		countnum, countpunct, countother, fin, fout);

	endtotal(countwd, countline, countch, countalpha, 
					countnum, countpunct, countother, fout);
	closefiles(fin, fout);

	return 0;


void openfiles(ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout)				//opens files for program
{"a:\\datain.txt", ios::in);
		cerr << "Unable to open input file, process terminated!\n";
	}"a:\\dataout.txt", ios::out);
		cerr << "Unable to open input file, process terminated!\n";

void startcount(int &countwd, int &countline, int &countch, int & countalpha, 
					int &countnum, int &countpunct, int &countother, 
						ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout)			//starts text analysis count
	char character;
	char text;
	int i, j;					//variable to help in looping
	countwd = 1;
	countch = 0;

	cout << "Please enter text to be analyzed:\n";	//enters text for program
	fin >> text;											//sends information in for files	
	cin >> text;

	for (i = 0; i < text; i++)
		if (isspace(i))
	for (j = 0; j < text; j++)
		if (isalpha(j)) 
		else if (isdigit(j))
		else if (ispunct(j))

		countalpha++;					// letter count
	else if (isdigit(character))
		countnum++;						// number count
	else if (ispunct(character))
		countpunct++;					// punctuation count
		countother++;					// space count


void endtotal(int countwd, int countline, int countch, int countalpha, 
					int countnum, int countpunct, int countother,  ofstream &fout)
	if(countline > 0)
		fout << "line count" << "	" << countline << endl;
		cout <<	"line count" << "	" << countline << endl;
	if(countwd > 0)
		fout << "word count" << "	" << countwd << endl;
		cout <<	"word count" << "	" << countwd << endl;
	if(countch > 0)
		fout << "char count" << "	" << countch << endl;
		cout <<	"char count" << "	" << countch << endl;
	if(countpunct > 0)
		fout << "	" << "punctuation" << "	 " << countpunct << endl;
		cout << "	" << "punctuation" << "	 " << countpunct << endl;
	if(countnum >= 0)
		fout << "	" << "numeric" << "	 " << countnum << endl;
		cout << "	" << "numeric" << "	 " << countnum << endl;
	if(countalpha > 0)
		fout << "	" << "alphabetic" << "	 " << countalpha << endl;
		cout << "	" << "alphabetic" << "	 " << countalpha << endl;
	if(countother > 0)
		fout << "	" << "other" << "	 " << countother << endl;
		cout << "	" << "other" << "	 " << countother << endl;


void closefiles (ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout)


any function that takes more than 3 arguments suggests heavily you would benefit greatly from encapsulation.

Think up some classes for starters.
What does it do, and what do you expect it to do?

Use a debugger to go through your program and check where it does something unexpected, that may well be the place you made a logic error.

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