mir_sheely 0 Newbie Poster

Hello once again on this site with a new problem.
I am writing a program for calculating Fibonnaci series term for specified input.

Have written the following code, but gives me some pointer dangle error.
I think I have handled stack management well. Cant figure out the problem

TITLE     fibonacci

Include Irvine32.inc

fibo PROC                            ; Procedure for calculating fibonnaci.
	push ebp
	mov ebp, esp
	push ebx
	push ecx
	mov ecx, [ebp+8]
	cmp ecx, 2
	jae greater      ; jump if n >= 2
	mov eax, 1         ;returns 1 in EAX
	pop ecx
	pop ebx
	pop ebp
	ret 4
	add ecx, -1         ; n = n-1 (for fib(n-1) )
	push ecx
	call fibo
	mov ebx, eax
	pop ecx
	add ecx, -1       ; n = n-1 (for fib(n-2) )
	push ecx
	call fibo
	add eax, ebx
	pop ecx
	pop ecx
	pop ebx
	pop ebp
	ret 4
fibo ENDP

main PROC	 
	push 5
	call fibo
	call writeint
	call dumpregs
main ENDP
END main

The error displayed it:

Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000003 at address 0x3 (thread 0017), starting debugger...