saimaz 0 Newbie Poster

greetings everyone,

i try to use ProgressBar from other class, i think the solve would be to create TForm1 object. But i dont know how to do it.

void Array_class::mix(int a)
 int b,c,d;
 //Memo1->Lines->Add("Array is now mixing....");
TForm1 obj;
 obj.ProgressBar1->Position = 0;
 obj.ProgressBar1->Max = (a);
 for(int i=0;i<a;i++)
    b = random(a);
    d = random(a);
    c = masyvas[b];
    masyvas[b] = masyvas[d];
    masyvas[d] = c;

  //Memo1->Lines->Add("Array mixed.");

where is my mistake? thanks for the support.

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