Hello to everyone !!!

I have a problem with a tabels in Acces.

Im making a software for minimarket and i have 2 tabels...

First Table :

SeconTable :


My problem is this :

When i'll put the ID of Article (IDART) in table Statistics then the name and price of that article i want to show them automatically in table statistic...

I hope, i was clear.

Can anyone hel me ????

Hello to everyone !!!

I have a problem with a tabels in Acces.

Im making a software for minimarket and i have 2 tabels...

First Table :

SeconTable :


My problem is this :

When i'll put the ID of Article (IDART) in table Statistics then the name and price of that article i want to show them automatically in table statistic...

I hope, i was clear.

Can anyone hel me ????

Your tables shows that you are not good to design a database. However, you should fetch a relative record from table Articles of given IDART and store values (NAMEART,PRICEART) into two variables say mNAMEART, mPRICEART.

Use values of these variables; mNAMEART and mPRICEART to add (insert) a record into the table Statistic.

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