In a rubiks cube solving program I'm writing, i wanna make it so if the space is red, then a red "R" appears. I don't know how to do this with out changing the color of all the text on the screen. I use:

system("Color XX");

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Which Operating system and compiler are you using?

Sorry, Windows XP, and Code::Blocks. Thank you.

Thank you so much! It worked. Were you saying make the code into a function so that when I needed to change a color I could just say:


or something to that effect?
If so, would I need to include any return values?

> or something to that effect?
Pretty much - though a colour parameter might be better than a number of different (but similar) function names.

> If so, would I need to include any return values?
That's entirely up to you.

ok thanks, btw I like your avatar

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