araldi 0 Newbie Poster


Firstly I would like to say sorry for my low level english.

Well, my problem is I am trying to do a program wich read from a xml file. I am programing in delphi 6.

This is a part of code where you can see the commands that I use.

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
XMLInfoService: TXMLDocument;
IXMLNodeError: IXMLNode;

XMLInfoService := TXMLDocument.Create(nil);
XMLInfoService.LoadFromFile ('Prueba.xml');
XMLInfoService.Active := True;

IXMLNodeError := XMLInfoService.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.FindNode('error').ChildNodes.FindNode('cod_error');

If I stop the process in XMLInfoService.Active := True, when I put the cursor over XMLInfoService.LoadFromFile('Prueba.xml'), appears a tag that contain this:

XMLInfoService.LoadFromFile = Inaccesible value

And when the process arrives to IXMLNodeError := ..., the program stops with EAccessViolation error.

Could someone help me?


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