maddy1985 -8 Newbie Poster

a. create a list that stores the courses that you are taking this semester where the courses are stored in sublists as (designator number) such as (csc 375) so that your list will look like this: ((csc 375) (his 100) (cit 140) (csc 402) (eng 200)) and then create 3 other lists for fictitious CSC and/or CIT majors. All students except one should have at least one eng class. They should all have at least 2 courses, no more than 7.
b. write the following functions*
i. given a course list and a designator, print all courses of that designator
ii. given a course list, print all upper level courses (3xx and 4xx courses)
iii. given a course list, count the number of courses that are either CSC or CIT and returns that number
iv. given a course list, determine whether a given schedule is “hard”, “easy” or “in between” where a “hard” schedule is one where the student is taking only upper level courses, or only CIT/CSC courses, an easy schedule is one where the student is taking only 100 or 200 level courses or is one with no CSC or CIT courses, and in between is everything else, your function should return how hard the schedule is
c. run the four functions on your 4 student course lists, use ’eng as the designator when you try out the function from 5.b.i.

I am new to lisp so please help me...

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