hookah -1 Newbie Poster

Write a program that accepts a string from the user. You can assume the length of the string will be less than 30 characters and only lower case letters are entered.

Your program should then display the string in sorted order and determine if the string entered is a palindrome. (A palindrome is a string that is the same whether read from left to right or right to left, e.g. racecar). You can ignore spaces for sorting and determining if it is a palindrome. Afterwards, ask the user if they want to enter in another string. If so, repeat the process, else quit the program.

Here is an example:

Please enter in a string of a maximum of 30 lower case letters: i love assembly language

The sorted string is: aaabeeeggilllmnossuvy
The string is not a palindrome

Would you like to enter in another string (y/n)? n

Good bye.

here is my attemp

.section ".data"
input:   .word 0
yesNo:   .byte 0
nl:      .asciz "\n"
prompt1: .asciz "\nPlease enter in a string of a maximum of 30 lower case letter:"
prompt2: .asciz "\nWould you like to enter in a nnother string(y/n)?:"

format1: .asciz "%d%c"
format2: .asciz "%c%c"
format3: .asciz "\nThe sorted string is:"
format4: .asciz "\nThe strin is a palindrom:"
format5: .asciz "\nThe strin is not a palindrom:"
format6: .asciz "\nGood bye:"
format7: .asciz "%d"

.align 8
.global main
.section ".text"



define(letter, l0)
define(iter, l1)
define(total, l2)
define(rev_indx, l3)
define(str_index, l4)

        save %sp, -96, %sp

        set prompt1, %o0   !ask fo a number
        call printf

        set format2, %o0   !input needs 
        set input,   %o1   !address where input is stored
        call scanf

        set input, %o1
        ldub  [%fp+num], %total
        clr %str_index
        clr %iter
        stb  %o0, [%fp +string +%iter]
        add  %o0, 1, %o0
        add  %iter, 1, %%iter
        cmp  %iter, %total
        bl   loop
        ld   [fp + num], %total
        clr  %rev_index
        mov  %total, %str_index
        sub  %str_index, 1, %str_index
         ldub [%fp + string +%str_index], %o0
         stb  %o0, [%fp + reverse +%rev_index]
         add  %rev_iindex,1 , %rev_index
         sub  %str_index,1 , %str_index
         cmp  %rev_index , 1 ,%total
         bl   loop

        set prompt2, %o0
        call printf

        set format2, %o0       !getting a character and a newline
        set yesNo, %o1
        set nl, %o2
        call scanf

        set yesNo, %l0
        ldub [%l0], %o0        !get the ys/no from memory
        cmp %o0, 'y'
        be repeat
        nop             !yes then try again

        ret          !get out