How do I fill a part of the view (in mfc vc++)with a color.Like say,I just drew a circle,how do I fill it with some color?

Read the manual perhaps?
Y'know, somewhere close to the part where you learnt how to draw a circle to begin with....

How do I fill a part of the view (in mfc vc++)with a color.Like say,I just drew a circle,how do I fill it with some color?

I assume you used the Ellipse method of the Device Context to draw your Circle. You used a Pen for the border.
Use a Brush for filling the circle.

void CChildView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
	CClientDC dc(this);

	CPen border(PS_SOLID,1,0x000000FFL); //red border
	CPen * pOldPen;

	CBrush fill(0x0000FF00L); //green content
	CBrush * pOldBrush;

	pOldPen = dc.SelectObject(&border);
	pOldBrush = dc.SelectObject(&fill);


        //deselect your objects to avoid memory leaks

	CWnd ::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);

Best Regards

Oh thanks a lot.

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