this is my coding when i run this coding for display
"Procedure or Function 'sp_developer_display' expects parameter '@developerid', which was not supplied."
this error will display
my sp in sql express is
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_developer_display
@developerid int

select developercode,developername,qualification,dateofjoin,designation,experience,knownsoft from tst_m_developermaste where id=@developerid and tstflag='N'

vb.net codin

Dim mydst As New DataSet
MyConnection.ConnectionString = connstring
Dim disp As New SqlDataAdapter("sp_developer_display", MyConnection)
Dim param As New SqlParameter("@developerid", SqlDbType.Int)
disp.Fill(mydst, "dev_display")

txtdevelopercode.Text = mydst.Tables("dev_display").Rows(0).Item("developercode")
txtdevelopername.Text = mydst.Tables("dev_display").Rows(0).Item("developername")
txtqualification.Text = mydst.Tables("dev_display").Rows(0).Item("qualification")
dtpdateofjoin.Value = mydst.Tables("dev_display").Rows(0).Item("dateofjoin")
txtdesignation.Text = mydst.Tables("dev_display").Rows(0).Item("designation")
txtexperience.Text = mydst.Tables("dev_display").Rows(0).Item("experience")
txtknownsoftware.Text = mydst.Tables("dev_display").Rows(0).Item("knownsoft")

plz help what is error in this coding and how to check the variable that get from stored procedure

whilst you define param I can't see where you assign it a value or provide it to disp

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