RogerI 0 Newbie Poster

Short version: How can I provide a GUI over the web to a user to allow them to select a file from a directory on the server?

I need to process data files stored on the server and generate some graphs of the results. I have (as my first Python app) created a local application to complete this process. It allows a user to select a file, via use of tkinter gui, and then the program reads and processes the data and generates the output graphs which is names and saves.

Now I wish to move this to a server and allow restricted access via a website. I have managed to get around CGI etc and can get the program to run to a point. It crashes of course at the point of initiating the tkinter gui (error: environment DISPLAY not set). I understand that tkinter is not really designed for the web and have looked to use HTML form to do the job instead but here I hit a problem.

HTML forms allow me to select files from my local drive, BUT, I need to allow the user to select a file from the server. The concept being that these files are provided via another supplier and then are processed by myself and a small team. In order to avoid conitnual upload and download of files and versioning concerns I want the functionality to be available for all via the intranet.

So, how can I provide a GUI over the web to the user to allow them to select a file from a directory on the server?

I would be very welcome for any suggestions because I have ran out of ideas!

Thanks, Roger

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