hello ppl
this is my 2nd post and as i said earlier, im writing a cpp program for an exam project.
the project is designing a school database system

neways the problem is that the the compiler hangs and terminates whenever a wrong type of data is entered i mean if (ch is an integer and text is entered)
chk out the code below for example. its a snippet of the whole prog but ive edited it so tht it can run independently for testing.

i have tried many things to stop this from happening like clearing the values of the variables every time a wrong input is given but... it dosent work
and also if there are places where something simpler could have been done please tell me


thanx in advance

#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

struct ddate         //structure to store the date. with the built in 1 it is 
{                       //difficult to check for a valid date
int month;          //if there is an easy way please tell me
int year;
int day;

void border ()          // function that makes the page border
setbkcolor (1);
setcolor (15);
rectangle (0, 0, 639, 479);
rectangle (5, 5, 634, 474);

struct time t; struct date d;
rectangle (535, 5, 634, 55);
rectangle (530, 5, 634, 60);
gotoxy (72, 2);
gettime (&t);
printf("%2d:%02d\n",t.ti_hour, t.ti_min);
gotoxy (70, 3);
printf("%d/%d/%d", d.da_day, d.da_mon, d.da_year);

//  x1 y1 x2 y2
line ( 5, 370, 634, 370);
line ( 5, 375, 634, 375);

settextstyle (1,0,0);
setusercharsize (1,2,2,5);
outtextxy (50, 450, "Press 0 To Exit");
outtextxy (400,450, "Press F1 for help");


void clear (int col, int row, int end = 65)   //clears the line for a specific
{                                                       //area
 for (int i=col; i<=end; i++)
	 gotoxy (i, row);
	 cout << " ";

void clear_box ()                        //clears the textbox at the bottom
{                                            // of the page border
 for (int i=5; i<=76; i++)
	for (int j=25; j<=28; j++)
		 gotoxy (i,j);
		 cout << " ";

 void add_disp ()   // generates the display for the addition of students
 clrscr ();
 cleardevice ();

 border ();
 settextstyle (1,0,3),
 outtextxy (200, 20, "Add Student Details");

 rectangle (85, 105, 554, 330);

 gotoxy (15, 9);
	cout << "Name: ";
 gotoxy (15, 10);
	cout << "Father's Name: ";
 gotoxy (15, 11);
	cout << "Mother's Name: ";
 gotoxy (15, 12);
	cout << "Date of Birth: ";
 gotoxy (43, 12);
	cout << "Place of Birth: ";
 gotoxy (15, 13);
	cout << "Sex: ";
 gotoxy (43, 13);
	cout << "Admission no: ";
 gotoxy (15, 14);
	cout << "Class: ";
 gotoxy (32, 14);
	cout << "Section: ";
 gotoxy (50, 14);
	cout << "Roll No: ";
 gotoxy (15, 15);
	cout << "Bus No: ";
 gotoxy (30, 15);
	cout << "Boarding Point: ";
 gotoxy (15, 16);
	cout << "Phone Nos: (R) ";
 gotoxy (26, 17);
	cout << "(O) ";
 gotoxy (26, 18);
	cout << "(M)";
 gotoxy (15, 19);
	cout << "Email: ";
bar (50,450, 540, 470);

struct general
 char name[25];
 char fath_name[25];
 char moth_name[25];
 ddate DOB;
 char POB[15];
 char sex;
 long admno;
 int cls;
 char section;
 int rollno;
 int busno;
 char board_point[20];
 char no_res[10];
 char no_off[10];
 char no_mob[10];
 char email[25];

void main()

int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

cleardevice ();
border ();

// declaration of variables
 char ch;
 general temp;
 int valid = 0;

 do              //loop to accept name until a valid entry is inputed
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (27,9);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Full Name Of The Student";
	 gotoxy (21,9);
		gets (temp.name);
	 valid = 1;

	 if (temp.name[0] == 27)

	 if ( strlen(temp.name) > 25 || strlen(temp.name) == 0 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Name Cannot Be Blank Or Longer Than 25";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

	 clear_box ();
	 clear (30,10);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Father's Name";
	 gotoxy (30,10);
		gets (temp.fath_name);
	 valid = 1;
	 if ( strlen(temp.fath_name) > 25 || strlen(temp.fath_name) == 0 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Name Must Not Be Blank Or Longer Than 25";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

	 clear_box ();
	 clear (30,11);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Mother's Name";
	 gotoxy (30,11);
		gets (temp.moth_name);
	 valid = 1;
	 if ( strlen(temp.moth_name) > 25 || strlen(temp.moth_name) == 0 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Name Must Not Be Blank Or Longer Than 25";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

  do //this is where the problem occurs try entering a char for the date 
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (30,12,42);

	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter the Date Of Birth In The Format dd mm yyyy";
	 gotoxy (30,12);
		cin >> temp.DOB.day;
	 gotoxy (33,12);
		cin >> temp.DOB.month;
	 gotoxy (36,12);
		cin >> temp.DOB.year;
	 valid = 1;
	 if ( temp.DOB.day > 31 || temp.DOB.day <=0 || temp.DOB.month > 12 || temp.DOB.month <=0 || temp.DOB.year > 2005  || temp.DOB.year < 1980)
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "dd Must Be Between 1-31";
		 gotoxy (5,26);
			cout << "mm Must Be Between 1-12";
		 gotoxy (5,27);
			cout << "yyyy Must Be Between 1980-2005";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

	 clear_box ();
	 clear (59,12);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter The Place Of Birth";
	 gotoxy (59,12);
		gets (temp.POB);
	 valid = 1;
	 toupper (temp.section);

	 if ( strlen (temp.POB) > 15 || strlen (temp.POB) <=0 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Place Of Birth Cannot Be Blank Or More Than 15";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

	 clear_box ();
	 clear (20,13,42);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter M for Male or F for Female";
	 gotoxy (20,13);
			cin >> temp.sex;
	 temp.sex = toupper (temp.sex);
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( temp.sex != 'M' && temp.sex != 'F' )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Enter Only M or F";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

 do //here agn entering a char causes it to hang
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (57,13);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Admission Number";
	 gotoxy (57,13);
		cin >> temp.admno;
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( temp.admno > 1000000 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Admission Number Too Long";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

 do  //here too
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (22,14,31);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Class";
	 gotoxy (22,14);
		cin >> temp.cls;
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( temp.cls > 13 || temp.cls <= 0 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Class Must Be Between 1-12";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

	 temp.section = ' ';
	 char tem[1];
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (41,14,49);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter section";
	 gotoxy (41,14);
		cin >> tem;                     //this is done
                                                              //because section 
	 temp.section = toupper (tem[0]);   // must contain only 1
                                                              // character
	 valid = 1;                                    // but if the user enters 
                                                              // more than 1 it wud be
	                                                 // a prob
              if ( tem[0] < 65 || tem[0] < 91 || strlen (tem) > 1 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Section Must Be Between A-Z";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

	 temp.rollno = 0;
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (59,14);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Roll No";
	 gotoxy (59,14);
		cin >> temp.rollno;
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( temp.rollno <= 0 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Roll Number Cannot Be Blank";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

	 temp.busno = 0;
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (23,15,29);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter The Bus Number or 0 For Own Transport";
	 gotoxy (23,15);
		cin >> temp.busno;
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( temp.busno < 0 || temp.busno > 15 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Bus Nuumber Must Be Between 0-15";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

	 clear_box ();
	 clear (46,15);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Boarding Point";
	 gotoxy (46,15);
		gets (temp.board_point);
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( strlen ( temp.board_point) > 15 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Boarding Point Cannot Be Longer Than 15";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

 do    // even though this is a char, this too gives the same error
	 //temp.no_res = {"          "};   //WHATS WRONG 
                                                        //WITH THE SYNTAX
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (30,16);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Residence Phone Number";
	 gotoxy (30,16);
		gets (temp.no_res);
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( strlen (temp.no_res) > 10 || strlen (temp.no_res) <=0 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Number Cannot Be Blank Or Longer Than 10";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

 do // even though this is a char, this too gives the same error
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (30,17);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Office Phone Number";
	 gotoxy (30,17);
		gets (temp.no_res);
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( strlen (temp.no_off) > 10 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Number Cannot Be Longer Than 10";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

 do // even though this is a char, this too gives the same error
	 clear_box ();
	 clear (30,18);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Mobile Phone Number";
	 gotoxy (30,18);
		gets (temp.no_mob);
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( strlen (temp.no_mob) > 10 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Number Cannot Be Longer Than 10";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

	 clear_box ();
	 clear (26,19);
	 gotoxy (5,25);
		cout << "Enter Email Address";
	 gotoxy (26,19);
		gets (temp.email);
	 valid = 1;

	 if ( strlen (temp.email) > 25 )
		 clear_box ();
		 gotoxy (5,25);
			cout << "Email Address Cannot Be Longer Than 25";
		 getch ();
		 valid = 0;
	} while (!valid);

 gotoxy (5,25);
	cout << "Are You Sure You Want To Save This Record (Y / N): ";
 gotoxy (56,25);
	cin >> ch;

 toupper (ch);
 if (ch == 'N')

 //f.add (temp);

 clear_box ();
 gotoxy (5,25);
	cout << "Record Saved";

setfillstyle (0,1);
//bar (50,450, 540, 470);
clear_box ();
getch ();

Simple. Always get stuff from the user as a string. Then check it and get from it what you need. If you don't find it - shoot an error and let a new input be given. There are some lines of code that you pasted there.. it's quite long for somebody to look through it and simplify it. After some time, when you become a better programmer go through the program yourself and make it better!

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