
i have a code of the game called 'TRON' in c++

an example of the same game in c++ here http://www.mediafire.com/?vnkslb3x0qbd3q0

((i tried to upload it here but it says invalid every time))

i can't understand some partss of the code so please geys help me understanding the code

#include <conio.h>
# include <windows.h>

for two lines, is it for this code?

double speed = 200; //this decreasing a bit only every loop

now, the most dificult part for me

COORD posP1, posP2, bonus;//COORD is a variable with X and Y attribute
    bool show_bonus = false, exit = false;//show bonus to show only 1 bonus at the same time, exit is to exit from game when we press ESC + ENTER
    unsigned char ch1, ch2;
    int dp1 = 0, dp2 = 0, dp1_old, dp2_old; //dp = direction of player, old_dp is used when the player stops(taking bonus) and continues(to continue which direction)
    bonus.X = -1; //X position of bonus
    bonus.Y = -1; //Y position of bonus

    drawRect(0,3,79,46,'+'); //draws  rectangle
    for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++){
        track[i][0] = 'w'; //assigns that rectangle as wall
        track[i][1] = 'w';
        track[i][2] = 'w';
        track[i][3] = 'w';
        track[i][49] = 'w';

  for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++){
        track[0][i] = 'w';
        track[79][i] = 'w';

    posP1.X = 15 + rand() % 35; //position of player 1
    posP1.Y = 10 + rand() % 25;

        posP2.X = 15 + rand() % 35;
    while(posP1.X == posP2.X); //until position player 1 is not equal player 2

        posP2.Y = 10 + rand() % 25;
    while(posP1.Y == posP2.Y);//until position player 1 is not equal player 2

    dp1 = 1 + rand() % 4; //rand() % X means = random number between 0-X
    dp2 = 1 + rand() % 4;

    while (true){

        if (show_bonus == false){ //if there is no bonus showing, try to show (not certain) there is probability...
            bonus.X = rand();
            if (bonus.X % 29 == 0){
                bonus.X = 1 + rand() % 78;
                bonus.Y = 4 + rand() % 48;
                if (track[bonus.X][bonus.Y] == ' '){
                    track[bonus.X][bonus.Y] = '?';
                    cout << "?";
                    show_bonus = true;

can you please explain to me by lines

see the lase code here

if (dp1 < 5){
            if (track[posP1.X][posP1.Y] == '1'){ //checking for collision
                cout << "Player 1 hit himself                ";
                explode(posP1.X, posP1.Y, 'x');
                cout << "Press Enter to Continue...          ";
            }else if (track[posP1.X][posP1.Y] == '2'){
                cout << "Player 1 hit Player 2";
                explode(posP1.X, posP1.Y, 'x');
                cout << "Press Enter to Continue...          ";
            }else if (track[posP1.X][posP1.Y] == 'w'){ //w = wall
                cout << "Player 1 hit Wall";
                explode(posP1.X, posP1.Y, 'x');
                cout << "Press Enter to Continue...          ";
            }else if (track[posP1.X][posP1.Y] == '?'){
                cout << "Player 1 found BONUS..!!            ";
                dp1_old = dp1;
                dp1 = 25;
                track[posP1.X][posP1.Y] = '1';
                show_bonus = false;
                track[posP1.X][posP1.Y] = '1';

i can't understand

if (track[posP1.X][posP1.Y] == '1')

why is it '1'? and in the second time is '2' and then 'w'

and here,

explode(posP1.X, posP1.Y, 'x');

what this code do?

waiting for you geys :)

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All 4 Replies

You need to start with a simple program to understand what is going on because some of the questions you are asking are extremely basic where if you had looked at other examples (easier) you would know generally what is going on with it.

'1' = player 1
'2' = player 2
'w' = wall

It says that right in the comments

This could be explained but I would not consider this source code a good learning example.


i understand you but i really want to understand the code

especially the most dificult part for me

so i'm still waiting


ok at least i'd like to know this code

bonus.X = -1; //X position of bonus
    bonus.Y = -1; //Y position of bonus

    drawRect(0,3,79,46,'+'); //draws  rectangle
    for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++){
        track[i][0] = 'w'; //assigns that rectangle as wall
        track[i][1] = 'w';
        track[i][2] = 'w';
        track[i][3] = 'w';
        track[i][49] = 'w';

    for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++){
        track[0][i] = 'w';
        track[79][i] = 'w';

    posP1.X = 15 + rand() % 35; //position of player 1
    posP1.Y = 10 + rand() % 25;

        posP2.X = 15 + rand() % 35;
    while(posP1.X == posP2.X); //until position player 1 is not equal player 2

        posP2.Y = 10 + rand() % 25;
    while(posP1.Y == posP2.Y);//until position player 1 is not equal player 2

    dp1 = 1 + rand() % 4; //rand() % X means = random number between 0-X
    dp2 = 1 + rand() % 4;

waiting for you

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