GWalk612 0 Newbie Poster

I am writing a simple program to display a character in all color variations of foreground and background colors using setTextColor. It is my understanding the procedure uses 4 bits for the foreground and 4 bits for the background. In my code below there apparently is an error in the way I'm storing data to eax and manipulating the bits to display both the character and the background in all combinations. Any hints I what I need to change?

I know my inner loop code is incorrect, but I think the rest may be okay.


character BYTE 'X'						;character to display
colors BYTE 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15		;array of colors
count DWORD ?							;loop counter
back BYTE ?							;background color holder
dblBack DWORD ?							;32 bit holder for back

main PROC

	mov esi,OFFSET colors				;index register for array
	mov ecx,SIZEOF colors 				;loop counter

	mov count,ecx					;save outter loop counter
	mov eax,[esi]					;get a foreground color
	mov ecx,SIZEOF colors				;loop counter
	mov edi,OFFSET colors				;index register for array
		mov al,[edi]		      ;get the background color
		mov back,al		      ;move al into a variable
		mov ebx, DWORD PTR back	      ;move the background color ito 32 bit register
		shl ebx,4		      ;shift all 4 bits to the left
		add eax, ebx		      ;add background left 4 bits to eax
		call SetTextColor             ;set text color
		mov al, character	      ;move character into al
		call WriteChar		      ;write character
		inc edi			      ;incriment index
	loop INNER	
	inc esi							;incriment index
	dec count
	mov ecx,count						;set outter loop counter
loop OUTTER							;end loop


main ENDP

END main