how to create a game program using conditional statement, array, loopings and function?
plaese..i need help from you guys.. Its for my school pgoject..thanks!

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Well, of course you are missing your main, but other then that, I guess to help get you started, a game ALWAYS has a GAME LOOP that controls everything, whether it is console based, or graphically based.

Those tools are basic programming devices and you should know them well if you plan to keep on writing code. Using them in the context of a game makes it more appealing than just routine regurgitation of what each device is and can do. Almost all games will use them. A couple games that seem to be commonly written by beginning programmers include hangman and tic/tac/toe (naughts and crosses, X's and O's, whatever), but I'm sure you can come up a dozen more without much trouble.

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