Error C2057: expected constant expression
Error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
Error C2133: 'inc': unknown size

Why? Here's the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fftw3.h>

static double *rdata = NULL, *idata = NULL;
static fftw_plan rplan, iplan;
static int last_fft_size = 0;

double A[8192];
int n = 8192;

int i,m,k;
char erg[35];
char erg2[35];
double absval;
int is16bitfile = 1;

int main() {
	double cc;
	int v, val, val2;
	char inc[n];
	FILE *infile;
	FILE *file;
	FILE *file2;
	int samplerate = 44100;
	int bandwidth = samplerate / 2;
	int nhalf = n / 2;
	double correction = (double)samplerate / (double)n;

	infile = fopen("theevent-zoom.wav", "r");
	file = fopen("data.dat", "w");
	file2 = fopen("data.raw", "w");
	// skip wav file header

	// read data and fill "A"-array
	for (v=0;v<n;v++) {
		val = fgetc(infile);
		if (is16bitfile) {
			val2 = fgetc(infile);
			if (val2 > 127) { val2 = val2 - 255; }
			A[v] = 256*val2 + val;
		} else {
			A[v] = val;
		sprintf(erg2, "%d %f\n", v, A[v]);
		fputs(erg2, file2);
	// prepare fft with fftw
	rdata = (double *)fftw_malloc(n * sizeof(double));
	idata = (double *)fftw_malloc(n * sizeof(double));
	// create the fftw plan
	rplan = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(n, rdata, idata, FFTW_R2HC, FFTW_FORWARD); 

	// we have no imaginary data, so clear idata
	memset((void *)idata, 0, n * sizeof(double));
	// fill rdata with actual data
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { rdata[i] = A[i]; }
	// make fft
	// post-process FFT data: make absolute values, and calculate
	//   real frequency of each power line in the spectrum
	m = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < (n-2); i++) {
		absval = sqrt(idata[i] * idata[i]);
		cc = (double)m * correction;
		sprintf(erg, "%f %f\n", cc, absval);
		fputs(erg, file);

	// housekeeping
	return 1;

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All 13 Replies


As far as I know, we cant use a variable to declare the size of array.
In your code, you have:

char inc[n];  //where your n is integer type.

If you really want to do it that way, then declare a const of int type.

const int size = 8192;

     char inc[size];

Error C2057: expected constant expression
Error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
Error C2133: 'inc': unknown size

Why? Here's the code:

What lines?

What lines?

If I remember correctly it said 21 for all 3 errors, which corresponds to line 22 in the code I posted.

You cannot use a variable in an array definition.

Thanks for your replies. I declared a constant variable, but I still got errors. I think this has to do with dynamic arrays or something, and malloc has some role to play here.

If that's true, then more detail is required. When asking a question, ALWAYS give enough detail for us to understand the problem. Remember, we can't see your computer, your code, your errors. If you don't explain in detail, we can only guess -- generally a waste of our time, and certainly a waste of yours (at least 12 hours since your last post).

If that's true, then more detail is required. When asking a question, ALWAYS give enough detail for us to understand the problem. Remember, we can't see your computer, your code, your errors. If you don't explain in detail, we can only guess -- generally a waste of our time, and certainly a waste of yours (at least 12 hours since your last post).

Sorry about that, I think I'm at a point where I don't understand enough about the code to be able to explain my problem.

But, I do have another question: Does the fact that this was made for Linux have anything to do with its not compiling on Windows? I really don't know anything about these types of things; I thought C was C wherever you compile it.

The code has been compiled with a compiler that supports variable length arrays, Microsoft's C compiler does not and probably never will support that feature.

You can work around this with a simple #define , like so

/* int n = 8192; */
int main() {

Sorry about that, I think I'm at a point where I don't understand enough about the code to be able to explain my problem.

But, I do have another question: Does the fact that this was made for Linux have anything to do with its not compiling on Windows? I really don't know anything about these types of things; I thought C was C wherever you compile it.

Yes, C is C -- if you write code in Standard C. If you start using additional capabilities beyond the standard that most compilers add in, all bets are off.

Look for a compiler switch that turns on ANSI Standard to flag anything that you use that's not standard.

The code has been compiled with a compiler that supports variable length arrays, Microsoft's C compiler does not and probably never will support that feature.

You can work around this with a simple #define , like so

/* int n = 8192; */
int main() {

Awesome! But now I've got some new errors (the include is fftw3.h and I think that was made for Linux too. Could this have anything to do with these errors?):

work.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__fftw_free referenced
in function _main
work.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__fftw_destroy_plan
referenced in function _main
work.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__fftw_execute
referenced in function _main
work.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__fftw_plan_r2r_1d
referenced in function _main
work.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__fftw_malloc
referenced in function _main
work.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 5 unresolved externals

Well, in any case, I'm in the middle of installing Cygwin (, which apparently gives me Linux APIs and allows me to compile them in Windows, and in the list I chose (among others) was FFTW3.The only thing left is to figure out how to use the software!

>> I'm in the middle of installing Cygwin

If you don't yet have an IDE which plays nicely with Cygwin's GCC, then perhaps consider installing Code::Blocks too.

As for gcc and these variable length arrays (VLAs), which are a feature of C99 Standard, you'll probably want to use the -std=c99 compiler switch.

Thank you muchly folks! Solved the problem ;)

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