this coding is in the class of set!

Set::setDifference(int elements,int& z)


    int a,b;

    int temp;

    for (int i=0; i<=elements; i++)
        *temp[i]=set[i]- z.set[i];
    return temp;

tundra010 commented: noobish post. can not understand a word you say, and for god's sake, use <code> tags. +0

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this coding is in the class of set!

Set::setDifference(int elements,int& z)

    int a,b;

    int temp;

    for (int i=0; i<=elements; i++)
        *temp[i]=set[i]- z.set[i];
    return temp;


end quote.

I really can't understand what you intend to do...:-O Please be more specific and your code is a little bit ...messy

what is the kind of problem you are facing with that code??? :icon_question:

This is exactly why I think a screening process should be put into place before we let people post/ make new threads on DW :/

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